Comment 5 for bug 1801383

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package firefox - 64.0+build1-0ubuntu1

firefox (64.0+build1-0ubuntu1) disco; urgency=medium

  * New upstream stable release (64.0build1)

  [ Olivier Tilloy ]
  * Do not attach Wi-Fi syslog to apport reports (LP: #1801383)
    - update debian/apport/
  * Update debian/patches/unity-menubar.patch

  [ Rico Tzschichholz ]
  * Explicitly set HOME=/tmp
    - update debian/build/
  * Bump build-dep on rustc >= 1.29.0 and cargo >= 0.30
    - update debian/control{,.in}
  * Bump cbindgen dependency to 0.6.7
    - update debian/build/
  * Ship removed onboarding watermark.svg to keep using it as symbolic icon
    - add debian/symbolic.svg
    - update debian/build/
  * Drop upstreamed patches
    - remove debian/patches/fix-armhf-aom-build.patch
  * Update patches
    - update debian/patches/dont-treat-tilde-as-special.patch
    - update debian/patches/update-gn-mozbuild.patch

 -- Olivier Tilloy <email address hidden> Tue, 04 Dec 2018 22:39:30 +0100