Comment 33 for bug 462419

Revision history for this message
Rolando Garza (rolandog) wrote :

Hello everyone.

I've read the whole thread and I am experiencing a related bug.

My specific scenario is that I'm creating a PDF (by exporting from Emacs / Org-Mode) that contains a link to a local video. It may have been a recent change in an AppArmor that has resulted in the videos not opening anymore (or maybe a security patch?), but I'm not able to open either mp4 or webm videos like I could with mpv.

I read the /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/evince file, and added the following to the /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.bin.evince file:

    # vim:syntax=apparmor
    # abstraction used by evince binaries

      # supported archivers
      /usr/bin/mpv ixr,
      /usr/bin/totem ixr,
      /usr/bin/vlc ixr,

After performing:

    rolandog@computer:~$ sudo apparmor_parser --reload /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince

I get the following error:

    profile /usr/bin/evince: has merged rule /usr/bin/totem with conflicting x modifiers
    ERROR merging rules for profile /usr/bin/evince, failed to load

Playback with mpv (the player I had set as default) still doesn't work (is blocked by AppArmor), and, after running the following command, I get the messages shown in the attached file:

    rolandog@computer:~$ grep audit /var/log/kern.log

After removing the totem line I get a similar error, but for vlc. After removing both the totem line and the vlc line, I don't get an error (and I can launch mpv (the default I had set).

However, I'm torn because this worked for me, but there may be others that may have similar use-cases to mine that would prefer other players.