Comment 60 for bug 223825

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Caleb Callaway (enlightened-despot) wrote :

I would be interested to know what function of AICCU does *not* involve the presence of a network connection. I cannot find any documentation that indicates AICCU has any purpose other than setting up and tearing down AYIYA tunnels. There is no need for such a tool to run if there is no network connection, unless the tool also monitors network connectivity.

At least on my Natty system, the aiccu daemon simply terminates when no network connection is present, so it does not appear to have any ability to monitor the status of the system's network connectivity (and it probably shouldn't have that ability--that's really the system administrator's concern).

So again, I would be interested to know what function of AICCU makes it useful without a network connection.

I have in fact read the warning you mention. I'd be interested to know how it applies to my Upstart script and not the one on which Lars Dursig has been working on. My script does not have a respawn clause, so assuming AICCU behaves correctly when it's run in the foreground, it should preserve AICCU's behavior of exiting if there is a connection problem. I can confirm the script terminates if launched manually when no network connection is present.