Comment 25 for bug 1551283

Revision history for this message
Alkis Georgopoulos (alkisg) wrote :

Hi Gunnar,

> May I ask: Which display language are you using? If it's something else but Greek, can you please switch to Greek, log out, log in again, and then try to type in Greek (with IBus running). Does that make a difference?

I tested with display language = Greek. I haven't tested with display language = English.

> Also, just to make sure: Is your Xenial updated with the latest package versions?


> Well, it started with bug #1550325, where it was reported that some applications need IBus to work. Maybe that's true for other flavors but MATE. Then there is the inconsistency in Ubuntu GNOME, which led to the confusion resulting in this bug report.

From what I read there, some people reported that xim doesn't work for them.
Noone reported that ibus or xim are useful for people that don't need any input method at all.

> Nah, I don't think IBus requires a lot of memory. Please note that IBus is running in Unity and Ubuntu GNOME, whatever the settings are. (Only some environment variables differ.) I don't know about Gnome Flashback in this respect.

I did report that ibus breaks the first Greek accented character in Unity as well.
Many people don't have the knowledge to pinpoint that ibus is what breaks their keyboard input, and just live with their problems.

1) Would you be willing to accept a patch that makes im-config default to None in all desktop environments, in locales that don't need ibus or xim?
2) If not, is it possible to make language-selector-gnome NOT depend on im-config?
Or ubuntu-desktop not depend on language-selector-gnome?
Now we can't even uninstall im-config without uninstalling ubuntu-desktop, so we will have to resort to dpkg-divert to bypass this current issue... i.e. that 16.04 will be the first LTS release that we won't be able to properly type in Greek, in all desktop environments.