Comment 16 for bug 1961442

Revision history for this message
Bugra Aydogar (bugraaydogar) wrote :

In additon to that, in the initial boot, while network-manager was active, I was not able to connect to the device with ssh. I had to manually bring up the enp1s0 interface by running;
`nmcli con add connection.interface-name enp1s0 type ethernet`. Just as a side note in case it might be useful.

systemuser@ubuntu:/etc/netplan$ ls
00-default-nm-renderer.yaml 00-snapd-config.yaml 90-NM-3be932e2-b57c-4c2a-aba7-970b0513bf81.yaml
systemuser@ubuntu:/etc/netplan$ cat 00-default-nm-renderer.yaml
  renderer: NetworkManager
systemuser@ubuntu:/etc/netplan$ cat 00-snapd-config.yaml
# This is the initial network config.
# It can be overwritten by cloud-init or console-conf.
    version: 2
                name: "en*"
            dhcp4: true
                name: "eth*"
            dhcp4: true
systemuser@ubuntu:/etc/netplan$ cat 90-NM-3be932e2-b57c-4c2a-aba7-970b0513bf81.yaml
  version: 2
      renderer: NetworkManager
        name: "enp1s0"
      dhcp4: true
      dhcp6: true
      ipv6-address-generation: "stable-privacy"
      wakeonlan: true
        uuid: "3be932e2-b57c-4c2a-aba7-970b0513bf81"
        name: "ethernet-enp1s0"
          connection.permissions: ""
          ethernet.mac-address-blacklist: ""
          ipv4.dns-search: ""
          ipv6.dns-search: ""
          proxy._: ""