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Name Last Modified Last Commit
4.4/migrate-progress-cache-clear-output 2018-08-17 13:50:08 UTC
Cache `clear` output to avoid unnecessary system calls for better performance

Author: sunnavy
Author Date: 2018-08-17 13:12:47 UTC

Cache `clear` output to avoid unnecessary system calls for better performance

Repeatly system calls is expensive enough to slow down the process a lot
when database is huge. In some worst cases, it even could make
rt-importer 1000x slower.

4.4/total-time-left 2018-07-27 18:21:13 UTC
Add TotalTimeLeft tests

Author: sunnavy
Author Date: 2018-07-27 17:54:30 UTC

Add TotalTimeLeft tests

It's generally copied from total-time-worked.t with tweaked variable names.

4.4/dropzone-obvious-error-mark 2018-07-24 19:31:26 UTC
Make dropzone error mark obvious by using the same red color as error message

Author: sunnavy
Author Date: 2018-07-24 19:31:26 UTC

Make dropzone error mark obvious by using the same red color as error message

4.4/watcher-header-rights-check 2018-07-18 17:30:59 UTC
Only show watcher table header after rights check

Author: Craig Kaiser
Author Date: 2018-07-05 20:10:43 UTC

Only show watcher table header after rights check

Ensure that a user without rights to view groups cannot brute
force group names.


4.2/single-email-parser 2018-07-11 20:19:24 UTC
Skip old tests when we didn't filter invalid email addresses

Author: sunnavy
Author Date: 2018-07-11 17:34:03 UTC

Skip old tests when we didn't filter invalid email addresses

For invalid addresses like "foo\\nEvil: yes\n\nMalicious",
previously we extracted "", but as we switched to
RT::EmailParser::ParseEmailAddress, we won't extract anything from that

4.4/article-autocomplete-refactor 2018-06-22 20:46:07 UTC
Add upgrading docs for 4.6

Author: Jim Brandt
Author Date: 2018-06-22 20:46:07 UTC

Add upgrading docs for 4.6

4.6/add-nonce-source-support 2018-06-04 16:17:01 UTC
Add SetCSPHeaders as a config option

Author: Maureen E. Mirville
Author Date: 2018-06-01 17:04:00 UTC

Add SetCSPHeaders as a config option

Give users the option to enable the HTTP Content Security Policy (CSP) which
helps prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks by blocking potentially
malicious code that could be hidden in inline javascript or styling. Additional
CSP directives can also optionally be added.

4.6/move-inline-js-to-static 2018-05-31 23:03:00 UTC
Move inline javascript to share/static directory

Author: Maureen E. Mirville
Author Date: 2018-05-29 18:41:36 UTC

Move inline javascript to share/static directory

In an effort to comply with the new Content Security Policies,
inline javascript has been removed from share/html files, except
those containing perl variables.

4.4/select-new-ticket-in-queue-option-in-show-links 2018-05-25 13:59:22 UTC
Option SelectNewTicketQueue to render related elements in ShowLinks or not

Author: sunnavy
Author Date: 2018-05-25 13:51:11 UTC

Option SelectNewTicketQueue to render related elements in ShowLinks or not

It's also useful when people want to include ShowLinks in a form, since
nested form is not allowed and could break HTML badly.

4.4/secure-email-doc 2018-05-18 20:58:07 UTC
WIP Add high-level secure email documentation

Author: Brian C. Duggan
Author Date: 2018-05-16 22:06:34 UTC

WIP Add high-level secure email documentation

4.6/simplified-changes-in-ticket-history 2018-04-25 19:05:46 UTC
Simplify custom field changes in ticket history

Author: sunnavy
Author Date: 2018-04-25 19:05:46 UTC

Simplify custom field changes in ticket history

Especially for fields with long values, "... changed to ..." is not
quite easy to parse. This change shows a shortcut version by default,
while also provides the full version in a hidden div, of which the
visibility could be toggled via the "Details" link.

4.4/fix-perl-path-for-mac-in-test 2018-04-13 19:34:35 UTC
Use $Config{perlpath} in shebang to make sure path info exists

Author: sunnavy
Author Date: 2018-04-13 18:57:42 UTC

Use $Config{perlpath} in shebang to make sure path info exists

$^X is "perl" instead of "/usr/bin/perl" on Mac OS(mine is 11.13.4) if
you run perl without path info like "perl -Ilib t/api/safe-run-child-util.t".

In that case, the "#!perl" shebang confused system, and the exec died
with error of "No such file or directory".

4.4/schema-missing-error 2018-04-13 15:43:44 UTC
Fix the file name in the schema missing error message

Author: sunnavy
Author Date: 2018-04-13 15:35:19 UTC

Fix the file name in the schema missing error message

Previously, there was "$file = $self->GetVersionFile( $dbh, $file )", so
$file could be undef if the version file couldn't be found. Sadly, we
used the same $file in the upcoming missing error message, so we got:

    ERROR: Couldn't find schema file(s) '*'

4.4/highlight-super-user-right 2018-04-13 00:23:34 UTC
SuperUser is special enough to be highlighted

Author: sunnavy
Author Date: 2018-04-13 00:23:34 UTC

SuperUser is special enough to be highlighted

4.4/top-multipart-related-attachments 2018-04-05 12:20:03 UTC
Hide texts in multipart/related only if it has a perferred alternative

Author: sunnavy
Author Date: 2018-04-05 11:37:42 UTC

Hide texts in multipart/related only if it has a perferred alternative

In 4a38585f, we added code to handle the following structure:


That commit treats "multipart/related" as "multipart/alternative",
assuming "multipart/related" is always under "multiplart/alternative",
which is sadly not always correct, recently we encountered an email with
a structure like:


It doesn't have a corresponding "text/html" alternative, so if user
prefers rich text, only the "image/png" shows up on ticket display page.
This commit fixes it by checking if "multipart/related" is really under

4.6/inline-edit 2018-04-02 20:55:52 UTC
Don't show empty custom field groupings

Author: sunnavy
Author Date: 2018-04-02 20:40:39 UTC

Don't show empty custom field groupings

For current ShowCustomFieldCustomGroupings, "hide_empty" doesn't work
because it returns div/form blocks even there are no custom fields to
show. This commit fixes it by adding another "hide empty" logic(it also
respects the "MassageCustomFields" callback in ShowCustomFields).

4.4/wip-timer-vertical-resize 2018-03-15 20:55:53 UTC
WIP: Make the ticket timer window vertical resize work

Author: Brian C. Duggan
Author Date: 2018-03-15 20:55:53 UTC

WIP: Make the ticket timer window vertical resize work

Use 'display: table*' styled divs. This allows top and bottom edges of
table-cell styled divs to "stick" to each other, regardless of viewport

Normally, we might use JavaScript to update the the viewport height as the
user resizes the window. But a new-ish CSS length measurement, "vh",
allows divs to change their heights in relation to the viewport height
automatically. This change also converts the ticket timer to use that
length measurement.

The vertical resizing component of this change works well. But
converting the ticket timer divs to use table display style required
breaking the existing styling, like borders and background color. Those
could probably be split up in to gutter-top, gutter-middle, and
gutter-bottom classes to apply to the 'table-header-row',
'table-row', and 'table-footer-row' styled divs.

4.4/shared-setting-drop-group-member-limit 2018-02-21 20:25:28 UTC
update tests for the shared setting access logic change(no group member limit)

Author: sunnavy
Author Date: 2018-02-13 19:00:14 UTC

update tests for the shared setting access logic change(no group member limit)

4.4/update-queue-hidden 2018-02-07 14:43:05 UTC
Hide Queue if Requestor does not have right to see

Author: Craig Kaiser
Author Date: 2018-02-05 19:50:19 UTC

Hide Queue if Requestor does not have right to see

It is possible for a User to be a Requestor on a Ticket and not have the
right to view the Tickets Queue. If this is the case, when editing
basics the current Queue cannot be displayed as the dropdown value for
Queue. Thus resulting in the next available Queue being submitted as the
new Queue for the Ticket. This causes unwanted Queue changed to the

4.4/ocf-duplicated-sort-order-tests 2018-02-06 14:06:06 UTC
duplicated ocf sort order tests

Author: sunnavy
Author Date: 2018-02-06 14:04:59 UTC

duplicated ocf sort order tests

4.4/groupdashboards-savedsearches-rights 2018-01-26 16:12:05 UTC
Update tests for 'SeeGroupDashboard' or 'ShowSavedSearches' bug fix

Author: Maureen E. Mirville
Author Date: 2017-12-18 14:50:02 UTC

Update tests for 'SeeGroupDashboard' or 'ShowSavedSearches' bug fix

Tests updated for group rights granted on another group (see
previous commit #16698563) bug fix.

4.2/shared-db-connections 2017-11-13 04:57:57 UTC
Add a critical error if DB connections are shared across the fork

Author: Alex Vandiver
Author Date: 2017-11-08 02:30:14 UTC

Add a critical error if DB connections are shared across the fork

rt-server takes pains to close down the database connection before
handing off control to the PSGI server, such that the database
connection is not preserved across the `fork`. DB connections which
are so shared result in undefined behavior -- postgres, for instance,
will reuse the same statement ids on the handle in different
processes, resulting in errors of the form:

    DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: prepared statement "dbdpg_p4068_1" already exists

However, nothing prevents extensions from recreating the DB connection
during their `to_app` methods -- RT::Extension::REST2-1.00 erroneously
does so, for instance.

While we could force-unset the connections, this would serve as a
continuation of the mostly-silent error. Instead, add an explicit
error which causes server startup to fail, encouraging users to check
for updated versions of plugins which will right the error.

4.4/custom-fields-doc 2017-10-16 16:55:04 UTC
Added documentation for Custom Fields categories

Author: craig
Author Date: 2017-10-16 16:55:04 UTC

Added documentation for Custom Fields categories

4.4/new-cf-columns-on-upgrade 2017-09-22 15:31:43 UTC
Add docs regarding UniqueValues missing column warning

Author: Jim Brandt
Author Date: 2017-09-22 15:31:43 UTC

Add docs regarding UniqueValues missing column warning

An upgrade step in 4.3.6 creates a new custom field for
CFs that have a category but no CF defined for the BasedOn
field. Creating the new CF before the new CF columns are
added in the 4.4.2 upgrade fails. Add docs with a workaround
since this should impact relatively few users.

4.4/clear-charts-cache 2017-09-14 17:41:36 UTC
Add charts_cache timestamp and clear old cache entries

Author: Jim Brandt
Author Date: 2017-09-14 17:35:50 UTC

Add charts_cache timestamp and clear old cache entries

In typical usage, the charts_cache in the session is cleared
as it is used when a chart is displayed. However, for session stores
that don't support locking, multiple requests can access the session
at the same time and cached charts can end up being written back to
the session after they are deleted.

Add a timestamp for charts_cache entries and a function to clear
entries older than one minute. This doesn't solve the root cause,
but it does provide one more opportunity to clear old cache entries
to prevent them for growing for the lifetime of the session.

4.2/smime-subjectaltname 2017-09-07 10:01:26 UTC
Add a failing test with a subjectAltName SMIME certificate

Author: Alex Vandiver
Author Date: 2017-09-07 09:54:55 UTC

Add a failing test with a subjectAltName SMIME certificate

Many certificates in the wild to not have emailAddress set, but rather
have one or more subjectAltName attributes, with email addresses
therein. Add such a certificate, and a failing test based on it.

4.4/make-clicky-trailing-gt 2017-09-01 19:33:58 UTC
Add > as another character to exclude when parsing a URL anchor

Author: Jim Brandt
Author Date: 2017-09-01 19:33:58 UTC

Add > as another character to exclude when parsing a URL anchor

A user reported that for URLs with an anchor (in the form #anchor)
and a trailing >, MakeClicky would include the > in the parsed URL,
creating an incorrect link. Add > to the characters to exclude.

4.4/widget-improvements 2017-08-15 18:49:11 UTC
Make booleans with RadioStyle use true/false logic

Author: Shawn M Moore
Author Date: 2017-08-15 18:49:11 UTC

Make booleans with RadioStyle use true/false logic

Rather than tri-value

4.4/updated-sphinx-query 2017-08-08 19:27:34 UTC
Update Sphinx indexer query to match native indexers.

Author: Brian C. Duggan
Author Date: 2017-08-08 19:27:34 UTC

Update Sphinx indexer query to match native indexers.

The MySQL and PostgreSQL indexing queries for full-text search have
been updated to include deleted tickets, HTML content, and exclude
content in email transactions. But the Sphinx query that
rt-setup-fulltext-index prints to stdout wasn't similarly updated. The
user must then install the query from rt-setup-fulltext-index. This
change updates the Sphinx query to match the functionality of the
native indexer queries.

4.4/myrt-pass-args 2017-07-31 19:07:17 UTC
Pass args through to MassagePortlets callback

Author: Jim Brandt
Author Date: 2017-07-31 19:07:17 UTC

Pass args through to MassagePortlets callback

4.4/sla-timezone-doc 2017-07-13 16:30:02 UTC
Fix example config typo

Author: Shawn M Moore
Author Date: 2017-07-13 16:22:15 UTC

Fix example config typo

4.4/outgoing-txn-recipients 2017-07-03 16:15:56 UTC
Show recipients in "Outgoing email recorded" transactions

Author: Shawn M Moore
Author Date: 2017-07-03 16:15:08 UTC

Show recipients in "Outgoing email recorded" transactions

This moves the logic to skip rendering the email body in transaction
history from ShowTransaction to ShowTransactionAttachments since we want
the message headers to be rendered.

Fixes: T#32881

4.6/customrole-rights 2017-06-07 16:50:48 UTC
Enforce SeeCustomRole and ModifyCustomRole

Author: Shawn M Moore
Author Date: 2017-06-02 22:25:11 UTC

Enforce SeeCustomRole and ModifyCustomRole

4.4/merged-fulltext 2017-05-05 00:06:57 UTC
Add schema upgrade templates and upgrade-fulltext tool

Author: Aaron Kondziela
Author Date: 2017-05-05 00:06:57 UTC

Add schema upgrade templates and upgrade-fulltext tool

4.4/fix-sla-start-changes 2017-04-12 13:34:22 UTC
Fix changing start time based on SLA

Author: Dave Goehrig
Author Date: 2017-04-12 13:24:42 UTC

Fix changing start time based on SLA

When you have multiple SLA levels with different start
times, the SLA's start time was not changing. This patch
removes the check for the ticket's Starts field being set,
but has the downside of the setting of start time will
happen on most transactions.

Fixes: I#32028

4.2/serialize-ticket 2017-03-27 20:53:51 UTC
Add --update-existing to rt-importer

Author: Shawn M Moore
Author Date: 2017-03-27 20:51:39 UTC

Add --update-existing to rt-importer

This lets you take updates from the dump for a subset of your record

4.4/record-transaction-cfs 2017-03-14 20:59:32 UTC
Record transaction CF updates even when no update message is provided

Author: Jim Brandt
Author Date: 2017-03-14 20:59:32 UTC

Record transaction CF updates even when no update message is provided

Provide a way for transaction CFs to be recorded even when an
update mesage is not provided and TimeWorked isn't updated.
Transaction CFs submitted without other associated transactions
will create a new transaction to record the transaction CF values.

4.4/config-callbacks 2017-03-14 04:09:54 UTC
Add AfterUpdate callbacks to Admin section of web UI

Author: Aaron Kondziela
Author Date: 2017-03-14 04:09:54 UTC

Add AfterUpdate callbacks to Admin section of web UI

The AfterUpdate callbacks support logging, auditing, etc., for changes made
to RT configuration via the Admin section.

Fixes T#180410

4.6/pjax 2017-02-09 21:28:24 UTC
Skip PJAX for "mark all messages as seen"

Author: Shawn M Moore
Author Date: 2017-02-09 21:26:52 UTC

Skip PJAX for "mark all messages as seen"

There seems to be a bug in jquery-pjax where if RT redirects you to back
to the same URL with an #anchor, pjax ignores it, because the hash is
taken from the request URL, not the response's Location: URL.

Fixes: T#181100

4.6/password-complexity 2016-10-03 22:49:40 UTC
Improve password complexity configuration

Author: Aaron Kondziela
Author Date: 2016-09-27 01:50:28 UTC

Improve password complexity configuration

This expands the basic MinimumPasswordLength configuration option into a
set of options under the new PasswordPolicy key. The new options allow
checks for a minimum number of various classes of character.

The web interface password fields are longer, to encourage use of a long
passphrase. Some basic guidance for selecting a good password is displayed.
The password requirements, as configured, are displayed to the user when
they are entering a new password.

Fixes: T#161950

4.2/scrip-custom-code-textareas-visible-only-when-needed 2016-09-27 18:37:12 UTC
Hide scrip custom code fields when appropriate

Author: Dustin Collins
Author Date: 2016-09-04 01:39:17 UTC

Hide scrip custom code fields when appropriate

The textareas for condition, action prepare, and action commit code
only make sense for scrips that use "User Defined" condition or action.
This commit shows or hides each textarea (using JavaScript) based on
whether the scrip's current configuration will use its contents. This
is meant to reduce user confusion about when these textareas take
effect, and significantly reduce the length of the page in the common
case of no "User Defined" code.

To reinforce to users the relationship between the dropdown and its
custom code textarea(s), we've moved each textarea up into the form,
right below to its dropdown. If the fields were to remain in two
separate sections, then users wouldn't notice the show/hide action at
a distance and would wonder why the textareas appear only some of the
time. This also reduces the perceived complexity of the scrip
create/modify page down to one consistent form, rather than two
confusingly-related sections, each with its own Save Changes button.

In order to ease the transition for custom deployments, a new method
(IsUserEditable) is added to RT::Condition and RT::Action to allow
users to easily inform RT of condition or action objects they have
made user editable.

Add Condition method to RT::ScripCondition for easily obtaining the
RT::Condition object, simillar to the Action method on RT::ScripAction.
Add lazy loading check to RT:ScripAction->Action.

Move module name creation logic into own method on both ScripAction and ScripCondition for convenience.

Now that we've moved the textareas to be inline with the rest of the
form, there arises a new problem where specifying lots of code would
cause the rest of the page (e.g. Template selection) to scroll
offscreen. So adapting the size of the textbox to how many lines are
in the provided code (+3 lines for buffer) has been replaced with a
constant of 6 rows. Users will still be able to use their browser's
textarea resize tool to make the code entry fields longer.

There is no animation for the show/hide actions because jQuery's
slideUp and slideDown animations cannot handle table tags.

Fixes: I#32260

4.4/create-linked-ticket-modal 2016-09-23 14:09:04 UTC
Move onclick event to Create linked ticket anchor

Author: Jim Brandt
Author Date: 2016-09-23 14:09:04 UTC

Move onclick event to Create linked ticket anchor

On assets with a long history, it was possible to click
the Create linked ticket link in the Actions menu before
the page had fully loaded. In these cases, the jQuery
onclick event would not fire and the user would see the HTML
interstitial page rather than the modal for selecting the
queue to create the ticket.

Move the onclick event to the anchor tag itself to make sure
it displays the modal even if the page is not fully loaded.

4.4/column-map-validation 2016-07-26 20:26:06 UTC
Add missing ColumnMap entries

Author: Shawn M Moore
Author Date: 2016-07-26 20:26:06 UTC

Add missing ColumnMap entries

Discovered by t/api/column-map.t

Fixes: I#22386

4.2/importer-docs 2016-07-15 22:18:50 UTC
Finish method docs and comments for RT::Migrate::Importer

Author: Shawn M Moore
Author Date: 2016-07-15 22:18:50 UTC

Finish method docs and comments for RT::Migrate::Importer

4.6/assetsql 2016-06-27 18:45:14 UTC
Link multiple assets to a new ticket from asset bulk update

Author: Jim Brandt
Author Date: 2016-06-14 17:35:44 UTC

Link multiple assets to a new ticket from asset bulk update

Support creating a ticket from the asset bulk update page
and linking all selected assets to the created ticket. The
list of possible requestors is pulled from roles on all
selected assets.

The user is directed to the ticket create page for any
final updates before creating the ticket.

4.4/ajax-edit-custom-fields 2016-02-25 20:37:47 UTC
add ajax custom field loading and change basics page to use it as proof of co...

Author: Dustin Graves
Author Date: 2016-02-25 00:58:41 UTC

add ajax custom field loading and change basics page to use it as proof of concept

4.4/ticket-summary-bar 2015-10-21 17:42:22 UTC
add optional pinned ticket summary display bar to rudder and aileon themes

Author: Dustin Graves
Author Date: 2015-10-06 21:37:45 UTC

add optional pinned ticket summary display bar to rudder and aileon themes

Fixes: T#157669

4.4/multiple-reply-to 2015-07-06 13:47:23 UTC
Email::Address 1.900+ has a fix of uninitialized warning

Author: sunnavy
Author Date: 2015-06-04 14:09:14 UTC

Email::Address 1.900+ has a fix of uninitialized warning

the warning could be trigged by empty phrases of email addresses in

    Sender: <> (Network Operation Center)

which is used in t/mail/sendmail.t and t/mail/sendmail-plaintext.t

4.2/who-have-right-optimization 2015-05-08 20:29:35 UTC
Simplify WhoHaveRoleRight and WhoHaveGroupRight queries before unioning

Author: Alex Vandiver
Author Date: 2014-10-28 22:50:58 UTC

Simplify WhoHaveRoleRight and WhoHaveGroupRight queries before unioning

Perform a true union in SQL, via a separate 'in' query. This
effectively prevents duplicates in the resultset (which
DBIx::SearchBuilder::Union makes no attempt to do), orders the set as a
whole, and allows the individual queries to be simpler. In particular,
the lack of "DISTINCT" and "ORDER BY" on the WhoHaveGroupRight query on
MySQL causes it to generate a query plan which no longer includes "with
temporary table" (due to the DISTINCT) or "with filesort" (due to the
ORDER BY), and makes better use of indexes (due to the limited number of
columns returned).

This does come at the assumption that duplicates within each of the two
queries are not common -- that is, that users will not have the relevant
right by way of a large number of membership paths.

4.2/contributing 2015-05-05 04:10:49 UTC
Explicitly note the license and contributing agreement

Author: Alex Vandiver
Author Date: 2015-05-05 04:10:49 UTC

Explicitly note the license and contributing agreement

4.2/perlcritic 2015-04-12 02:04:38 UTC
Move standalone t/lifecycles/ to being an RT::Test

Author: Alex Vandiver
Author Date: 2015-04-10 00:22:00 UTC

Move standalone t/lifecycles/ to being an RT::Test

4.2/validate-all-roles 2015-04-10 00:47:55 UTC
Prompt to create missing role groups

Author: Alex Vandiver
Author Date: 2014-07-09 23:52:25 UTC

Prompt to create missing role groups

4.2/resolve-roles 2015-04-10 00:38:04 UTC
Re-load any RT::User objects passed into ResolveRoles, as CurrentUser

Author: Alex Vandiver
Author Date: 2015-04-10 00:38:01 UTC

Re-load any RT::User objects passed into ResolveRoles, as CurrentUser

This prevents possibly-elevated objects that are passed in from being
returned as loaded by anything except the current user.

4.2/forward-signed-mail 2015-04-09 20:39:41 UTC
Default the content-transfer-encoding to 8bit

Author: Alex Vandiver
Author Date: 2014-04-10 22:40:36 UTC

Default the content-transfer-encoding to 8bit

RT sets a content-transfer-encoding of 8bit on the top-level of outgoing
email, in RT::Interface::Email::SendEmail. This sets the default for
the entire message. Unfortunately, MIME::Entity is not aware of this,
and assumes that a lack of content-transfer-encoding header in any
particular part means it should default to 7bit.

These combine, in the case of signed email, to cause the "put a
content-transfer-encoding header" loop to mistakenly believe that a part
with 8bit data is actually 7bit, and thus it is left with no

Assume that all unmarked parts are 8bit, as that is what the top-most
header implies anyway. This causes RT to correctly apply a transfer
encoding to 8bit data in signed messages.

4.4/fix-unconditional-lastupdated 2015-04-09 01:15:06 UTC
Update LastUpdated/LastUpdatedBy only if there is an update

Author: Emmanuel Lacour
Author Date: 2014-06-13 12:32:24 UTC

Update LastUpdated/LastUpdatedBy only if there is an update

4.2/skip-asc-keys 2015-04-07 05:02:40 UTC
Allow attachments that were only _guessed_ to be encrypted, to fail

Author: Alex Vandiver
Author Date: 2015-03-25 22:41:17 UTC

Allow attachments that were only _guessed_ to be encrypted, to fail

Files ending in ".asc" or ".pgp", unclaimed from RFC3156 multiparts or
unpaired with other attachments, were assumed to be encrypted
attachments. However, all the ".asc" or ".pgp" actually implies is
"ASCII-armored PGP data" or "binary PGP data", respectively. This
includes not only encrypted data, but also attached exported public

When RT attempts to "decrypt" an attached public key (which begins with

    gpg: decrypt_message failed: Unexpected error

..or, for gpg2:

    gpg: decrypt_message failed: unexpected data

This results in the email sender receiving a "Error: bad encrypted data"
email, which is especially puzzling if their mail did not contain any
encrypted parts.

Content-type is insufficient to accurately distinguish between attached
public keys and attached encrypted data; mail clients often
indiscriminately mark both as "application/octet-stream". Determining
which is contained in the MIME part requires examining the contents of
the part -- which requires loading them into memory, which may be

Instead, opportunistically attempt to parse such parts, marking them as
"Guessed", and allowing them to silently fail without generating a
confusing message to the end-user.

4.4/referenced-queues 2015-04-06 19:30:29 UTC
Move normalization into ::Tree

Author: Alex Vandiver
Author Date: 2015-01-22 06:41:16 UTC

Move normalization into ::Tree

4.2/cfs-vs-core-fields-in-create-tickets-action 2015-04-02 22:46:59 UTC
Only use CreateTicket line as a CF name if not also a core field

Author: Alex Vandiver
Author Date: 2015-03-31 21:49:31 UTC

Only use CreateTicket line as a CF name if not also a core field

Every field CreateTickets loads is treated as potential CF; so, in the
presence of a "Status" CF, the CF was set, in addition to the core
Status field.

Once a field from %args has been used to fill %ticketargs, remove it,
such that it is not viewed as a potential custom field name. To
accomplish this, handling of "deferred" items (including links and
Status) are moved before CF handling, so they can remove values they

Status is additionally special; it is both deferred _and_ set in
%ticketargs. As such, it is temporarily put back into %args before
GetDeferred is called.

Fixes: I#18145

4.2/see-queue-groups 2015-03-30 23:07:38 UTC
Always allow role and system groups to be enumerated

Author: Alex Vandiver
Author Date: 2014-12-30 18:13:01 UTC

Always allow role and system groups to be enumerated

Previously, the SeeGroup right controlled RT::Groups results even for
internal groups; this caused the queue rights page for a user with
AdminQueue but not SeeGroup to not list Everyone / Privileged /
Unprivileged, nor the queue role groups.

Allow system groups to always be seen, and role groups to be seen if the
user can see the object the role group is on. This is a broadening of
the privileges that previously existed.

Note that as ->CurrentUserCanSee is not used to ACL ->_Value, this does
not quite enforce a group ACL globally; any explicitly loaded group can
still be examined.

Fixes: I#30416

4.2/tighten-html-whitespace 2015-03-25 02:39:17 UTC
Clean up a few more newlines in our HTML

Author: Jesse Vincent
Author Date: 2015-03-25 02:39:17 UTC

Clean up a few more newlines in our HTML

4.2/selfservice-topics 2015-03-23 23:36:25 UTC
Support Binary and Image CFs in SelfService

Author: Alex Vandiver
Author Date: 2015-03-23 23:36:11 UTC

Support Binary and Image CFs in SelfService

4.2/fts-indexer-errors 2015-03-16 23:44:55 UTC
Drop the severity of known indexing failures to "info"

Author: Alex Vandiver
Author Date: 2015-03-16 17:16:21 UTC

Drop the severity of known indexing failures to "info"

These failures are known failure mores that cannot easily be addressed.
While the failure merits logging, as they are not unexpected in most
installs, there is no direct solution and they can, in most cases, be
ignored. As such, "info" is a fine log level for a not-unexpected and
unhandle-able error.

4.4/limitcf-number 2015-03-12 22:00:52 UTC
Leave all CF determination logic to _CustomFieldDecipher

Author: Alex Vandiver
Author Date: 2014-04-23 18:39:45 UTC

Leave all CF determination logic to _CustomFieldDecipher

Previously, passing CUSTOMFIELD => 17 would result in TicketSQL
containing CF.{NameOfCF17}, which is extremely unhelpful in the case
where a number was intentionally passed soas to avoid edge cases with
duplicate CF names. As _CustomFieldDecipher has a better variant of CF
name resolution, simply pass CUSTOMFIELD through unmolested; the only
functionality lost is the auto-defaulting of ENTRYAGGREGATOR based on CF

4.2/less-qp 2015-03-05 20:21:06 UTC
Only store text as quoted-printable when the bytes not invalid UTF-8

Author: Alex Vandiver
Author Date: 2015-03-05 19:31:04 UTC

Only store text as quoted-printable when the bytes not invalid UTF-8

The existing check for Encode::is_utf8() checks if the UTF8 flag is on
_and_ that the internal representation is consistent. Since the UTF8
flag is almost certainly off, as _EncodeLOB takes bytes, not characters,
this causes the quoted-printable encoding to be chosen even for byte
sequences which are valid UTF-8.

Switch to checking if the byte sequence is valid UTF-8; if so, upgrade
it to characters and store it verbatim. If it is not, then store it as
quoted-printable as before. This increases the set of content which is
stored with encoding "none", which eases direct comprehension of the

4.0/gpg-show-warnings-early-and-always-update 2014-12-04 15:44:41 UTC
show warning on page load and update ticket regardless of errors

Author: Todd Wade
Author Date: 2014-12-04 15:44:41 UTC

show warning on page load and update ticket regardless of errors

Pre-commit code only showed warning after submitting the ticket update, and
prohibited update from proceeding. This change shows the warning on page
entry and allows the update to proceed even if public key for the email
address is not available.

4.4/non-message-squelching 2014-10-07 20:07:39 UTC
Apply squelching information to updates with no messages

Author: Alex Vandiver
Author Date: 2014-10-07 20:07:39 UTC

Apply squelching information to updates with no messages

Updates from the ticket Reply/Comment page which do not record content,
merely change the status / owner / etc., do not currently respect the
squelching checkboxes, despite showing as if they do. This is because
the squelching information is stored on the Correspond/Comment
transaction, and thus only propagated to other transactions if such was

Even on updates that do not have content, store and respect the
squelching information. This builds upon 4a33c662, which made the
transaction squelching settings apply for the lifetime of the ticket

4.0/shredder-leftovers 2014-05-23 22:06:18 UTC
Shredder: Don't push resolvable dependencies onto the stack for wiping

Author: Thomas Sibley
Author Date: 2012-09-17 23:00:29 UTC

Shredder: Don't push resolvable dependencies onto the stack for wiping

If a dependency is marked VARIABLE (resolvable), require it is handled
by a resolver. The resolver is free to put the object on the stack
explicitly if resolution is not actually possible.

Such objects were often safe because of the accidental side-effects of
modifying the hash iterated by each() and later only calling values()
once. It is cleaner and safer to simply never push them onto the stack
in the first place. This lets you re-use shredder objects, for example,
without inadvertently wiping objects you didn't mean to on the second
call to WipeoutAll.

4.4/queue-summary-refactoring 2013-10-11 22:27:24 UTC
upgrade script for old quicksearch preferences

Author: ruz
Author Date: 2013-08-28 15:35:56 UTC

upgrade script for old quicksearch preferences

4.4/sql-acl-for-queues 2012-11-25 08:40:30 UTC
UseSQLForACLChecks for RT::Queues

Author: ruz
Author Date: 2010-12-11 03:12:24 UTC

UseSQLForACLChecks for RT::Queues

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