Comment 24 for bug 723871

Revision history for this message
Boris Derzhavets (bderzhavets) wrote :


I started getting execution denied errors in VirtManager or same in terminal after
virsh start W7 , when updated XML as follows

. . . . .

<graphics type='spice' port='5930' autoport='no' listen=''/>
<model type='qxl' vram='32768' heads='1'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/>

When i attempted to fool libvirt and replace symlink kvm-spice or binary it's referencing
i got another execution denied error when spice-server started.
Fedora's libvirt doesn't have any problems of such kind ( even F14's libvirt in the very early times )

Install libvirt-0.8.8-4.fc15.src.rpm shows following patches in SOURCES :-


It's hard to understand what part of code ( in patches ) is responsible for spice-server
behaviour. Once again RH's support is pretty much desired.