Comment 14 for bug 521994

Revision history for this message
ruthan (ruthan) wrote :

Im using Mint 19.3 based on Ubuntu 18.04 with QEMU 2.11 from repository, keyboard is working but mouse not in Win98.

  Could someone else to restest it?

  Here is my Qemu starting script:
qemu-system-x86_64 -m 512 \
-machine type=pc-i440fx-bionic \
-smp 1,sockets=1,cores=1,threads=1 \
-vga cirrus \
-rtc clock=host,base=localtime \
-parallel none \
-balloon none \
-mem-prealloc \
-serial none \
-parallel none \
-L . \
-soundhw sb16,adlib,pcspk \
-boot order=cd \
-no-acpi \
-hda ./Win98-System.vmdk \
-cdrom ./Win98SE-ENG.iso \
-k en-us \
-net nic,model=rtl8139 -net user