Comment 3 for bug 642293

Revision history for this message
Sean Reifschneider (jafo) wrote :

I believe you are speaking about the "Python License" and the "Python
Software Foundation License". As far as I and Wikipedia know, there is
only one version of the Python Software Foundation License:

The copyright is separate from the license. The PSF doesn't hold copyright
on the memcached module, and so the copyright won't be listed in the
Copyright lines.

The copyright reference in the license is saying that the copyright notice must be left intact
and in fact the real license example says:

   i.e., “Copyright © 2001-2010 Python Software Foundation; All Rights Reserved”

which doesn't match either of the versions you listed. It does *NOT* say
that the copyright specifies a variation of the license.

The reasons I don't just copy and paste the text of the license is because:

   If my explicitly listing the copyright isn't enough for you use, I don't
   believe that copy and pasting the license text into the distribution is.

   I imagine that you want to use the software *NOW*, rather than wait
   until a new release is made. So, I wanted to make sure that you
   realized that the license is explicitly specified in the code and the
   PKG-INFO file.