49. By barabbas on 2008-10-01 * creating m3u and xspf playlists now * reading m3u playlists 48. By barabbas 2008-10-01 * fixed: didn't pulse on tracks without duration-info * pyjama is now correctly minimizing to systray when it is closed 47. By barabbas 2008-10-01 * window not shown in taskbar any more * added Clearlooks-DarkLime as standard-theme 46. By barabbas 2008-10-01 * fixed: "pyjama not found" when running pyjama as script and not being installed * fixed: redundant preparedirs() in clCB.py 45. By noegel on 2008-09-28 * pyjama is now more flexible with its location * fixed some issues with the dependencies 44. By barabbas on 2008-09-28 * fixed: pausing=stopping * fixed: setting play-button-image all the time and therefore destroying tooltips 43. By barabbas on 2008-09-27 * fixed: no icon in systray * fixed: wrong page-info when showing tagged albums 42. By barabbas on 2008-09-27 * fixed: no icon in systray 41. By barabbas on 2008-09-27 * plugin system * "now playing" notification converted to plugin * started adding events (for plugins) * fixed install location (/usr/share/apps/pyjama now) * advanced install-script a bit * fixed: disabled sound-control * fixed: not jumping correctly to next track on EOS * fixed: paused playing when adding new album 40. By barabbas on 2008-09-26 * Now using gstreamer0.10 instead of moc * pausing stream possible * updating notifications now 39. By barabbas on 2008-09-25 * now showing album covers in notifications