Plone 5.0.9

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Eric Steele
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plone.recipe.zope2instance: 4.2.22 → 4.3
New features:

- Added ``storage-wrapper`` option to wrap storage configuration.

zest.releaser: 6.9 → 6.12.1
- Quote the path when making a git clone, to fix problems with spaces. [halkeye]

- Fixed percentage signs in ``date-format`` in ``setup.cfg``.
  You need double percentages. [mgedmin]

- Add date format in the config. Default is ISO-8601 (%Y-%m-%d).
  Put ``date-format = format string`` in your ``~/.pypirc`` or ``setup.cfg``.

- If the package wants to build universal wheels by setting
  ``[bdist_wheel] universal = 1``, then the default for
  ``create-wheel`` is now yes.

- Corner case fix: a top-level ``version = 1.0`` in your ```` is now
  also allowed to be in uppercase, like ``VERSION = 1.0``.
  This fixes `issue 216
  [reinout] 1.1 → 1.1.1
Bug fixes:

- Update links to external documentation. [jensens]

i18ndude: 4.0.1 → 4.3
New features:

- Support Chameleon repeat syntax in templates.
  Fixes `issue #36 <>`_.

- Moved ``plone.i18n`` dependency to a ``plone`` extra.
  This is only used for getting language names in the ``list`` command.
  We now fall back to using the language name that is in the ``po`` files.
  Fixes `issue #44 <>`_.

- In ``find-untranslated``, do not report items that get replaced by Chameleon syntax.
  So ``<span>${view/test}</span>`` will no longer get flagged as missing a translation.
  (Note that you still *can* add ``i18n:translate`` if it makes sense,
  like Plone does for translating the dynamically calculated review state.)
  [Netroxen, maurits]

- Find untranslated attributes now also checks for 'placeholder' attributes on
  input tags.

- Allow use of regular expressions for --exclude parameter. For example,
  use ``*.py`` to exclude all python files. This doesn't break existing
  behavior. Do remember to use quotes around the expression.
  [laulaz, maurits]

Plone: 5.0.8 → 5.0.9
New features:

- Release Plone 5.0.9

Products.ATContentTypes: 2.2.13 → 2.2.14
Bug fixes:

- removed "change portal events" permission

Products.CMFPlone: 5.0.8 → 5.0.9
New features:

- Add more ignores to static/.gitignore.

- Update jqtree to 1.4.1

- Include JS Patterns when loading a page via ajax or an iframe
  [displacedaussie, instification]

Bug fixes:

- Fixed accidentally removing permissions when saving the ``portal_controlpanel`` settings in the ZMI.
  Fixes `issue 1376 <>`_. [maurits]

Products.statusmessages: 4.1.2 → 5.0
Breaking changes:

- Remove python 2.6 (and thus Plone 4.3.x) compatibility.

New features:

- Python 3 compatibility

Bug fixes:

- Update code to follow Plone styleguide.

icalendar: 3.11.4 → 3.11.6
Bug fixes:

- Fix VTIMEZONEs including RDATEs #234. [geier]

- added an assertion that VTIMEZONE sub-components' DTSTART must be of type
  DATETIME [geier]

- Fix handling of VTIMEZONEs with subcomponents with the same DTSTARTs and
  OFFSETs but which are of different types [geier]

mockup: 2.1.7 → 2.1.8
New features:

- Align bower.json versions fixes to Products.CMFPlone 5.0.x.
  [thet] 4.0.16 → 4.0.17
Bug fixes:

- Fix UnicodeEncodeError if portal from name contains Umlauts
  [agitator] 1.2.23 → 1.2.24
Bug fixes:

- Made sure the text field of Collections is searchable.
  `Issue 406 <>`_.

- Fix flaky test in test_indexes.
  [thet] 1.3.4 → 1.3.5
Bug fixes:

- remove unittest2 dependency
  [kakshay21] 5.0.6 → 5.0.7
Bug fixes:

- Remove deprecated __of__ calls on BrowserViews

- Remove unittest2 dependency
  [kakshay21] 1.2.8 → 1.2.9
Bug fixes:

- Made sure the new simple textarea template is not used for rich text widgets,
  but only for simple textarea widgets. Otherwise you see this in the display:
  ``RichTextValue object. (Did you mean .raw or .output?)``.
  Fixes `issue 22 <>`_.
  [maurits] 2.0.4 → 2.0.6
New features:

- Added ``Show Toolbar`` permission.

Bug fixes:

- Fix #84 - usage of aq_base

- Plone 5.1: Fixup timezone record fields, as old interface is gone since 3.0.2.

- Fix upgrade step for ISocialMediaSchema
  [MrTango] 1.1.3 → 1.2
New features:

- Remove unittest2 dependency
  [kakshay21] 4.0.3 → 4.0.4
Bug fixes:

- Let ```` return the language title in native language.

- Remove unittest2 dependency

plone.api: 1.7 → 1.8
New features:

- Add method to check if ZODB is in read-only mode.

- added tox.ini and code convention definitions in and .editorconfig so that they could be enforced

Bug fixes:

- Fixes Tests and code convention son this repository.

plone.batching: 1.1.1 → 1.1.2
Bug fixes:

- Added missing Zope2 dependency. [davisagli]

plone.event: 1.3.3 → 1.3.4
Bug fixes:

- fix test to work with newer pytz.

plone.intelligenttext: 2.1.0 → 2.2
New features:

- Recognizes URLs embedded at the end of sentences.
  The punctuation mark of the sentence is split from the URL.
  Use brackets to force punctuation marks at the end of URLs.

Bug fixes:

- Use pyenv for installing python versions on Travis.

plone.locking: 2.1.3 → 2.2
New features:

- All LockingOperations method can optionally redirect to the context view

Bug fixes:

- Test fix: Use print in doctest (Python 3/ Zope 4 compat)

plone.memoize: 1.2.0 → 1.2.1
New features:

- Keep docstrings intact in decorators.

Bug fixes:

- Update Travis setup (drop Python2.6, tolerate failing pypy3)

plone.outputfilters: 3.0.1 → 3.0.3
Bug fixes:

- update test to reflect changes in PortalTransforms

- Remove unittest2 dependency

plone.portlet.static: 3.1 → 3.1.1
Bug fixes:

- Remove unittest2 dependency

plone.protect: 3.0.23 → 3.0.26
New features:

- Catch ``AttributeError`` on transform.

Bug fixes:

- Fix logging to no longer write traceback to stdout, but include it in the
  logging message instead.

- Remove unittest2 dependency

plone.resourceeditor: 2.0.5 → 2.1
New features:

- Add the download and move endpoint to the FileManagerActions class

- Add test cases for FileManagerAction

Bug fixes:

plone.subrequest: 1.8 → 1.8.2
Bug fixes:

- Remove vurl-parts from path

- Remove unittest2 dependency

plone.theme: 3.0.2 → 3.0.3
Bug fixes:

- removed unittest2 dependency

plone.transformchain: 1.2.0 → 1.2.1
Bug fixes:

- Remove unittest2 dependency

z3c.formwidget.query: 0.13 → 0.14
- Drop support for Python 2.6. 1.1.2 → 1.1.3
Bug fixes:

- removed unittest2 dependency
   [kakshay21] 1.1.2 → 1.1.3
Bug fixes:

- Fix problem with debugtoolbar panel opening on click but immediately closing again.
  [sunew] 1.3.4 → 1.3.5
Bug fixes:

- remove unittest2 dependency
  [kakshay21] 1.3 → 1.3.1
Bug fixes:

- Added a missing TTW edit form.
  [Rotonen] 5.0.7 → 5.1.2
New features:

- Complete basque translation

- Complete spanish translation

- Rebuilt po files

- Rename ``media`` folder to a more generic name ``assets`` by default and
  add i18nize it to be localization aware
  [agitator, datakurre]

- When viewing a folder with a default page, the translation menu shows all
  options for both the folder and then the default page in the
  same order and with the same titles. The option to edit the current page in
  babel view have been merged with the options to edit the other translations
  to make the menu more consistent

- Translation menu show the title of the language independent folder on
  the language independent folder link in translation menu as
  "Open ${title} folder"

- Translation menu no longer includes "Set content language"-menuitem, which
  was redundant (but less transparent in its behavior) to just cutting and
  pasting a content under the desired language folder

Bug fixes:

- Safely convert field value to unicode
  [agitator, GerardRodes]

- Add missing i18n:translate tags

- Fixed language alternate viewlet #153 [erral]

- Notify ObjectTranslatedEvent if translating with babel view
  #277 [tomgross]

- Fixed issue where delete action on modify translations view deleted
  the current page instead of the selected translation

plone.tiles: 1.8.2 → 1.8.3
Bug fixes:

- Do not swallow ``AttributeError`` inside ``index()`` on template rendering.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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