Plone 4.3.8

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Eric Steele
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View the full changelog

setuptools: 0.6c11 → 20.1.1

plone.recipe.zope2instance: 4.2.18 → 4.2.19

- Handle commands registered for zopectl as well.
  Up to now they were handled but not displayed at all
  (i.e. in help and descriptions).

zest.releaser: 3.43 → 6.6.2
--------------------------- 0.9.9 → 0.9.15

- Do not require argparse, decorator, and simplejson in Python 2.7,
  only lower. [maurits]

- Replace import of ``zope.testing.testrunner`` with ``zope.testrunner``.

- With lazy sandbox-server shutdown, let test layers to declare themselves
  dirty and force sandbox rebuild when required

- Fix PloneRobotFixture to know its deployment state and declare itself
  dirty when required for lazy sandbox-server shutdown support

- Add support for lazy sandbox-server (Zope2Server) shutdown with
  ``pybot --listener`` or with
  Sphinx extension ```` to allow
  sequential Sphinx documents to share the same server for screenshots

- Fix CSRF errors on content creation keywords

- Fix issue where 'use_email_as_login' was not found in registry

- Fix selenium2library link in documentation

- Inline sample robot code for mentioned example into docs

- Update good known versions.

- "Create content" keyword fix: creation of random images in ATCT did not
  work when dexterity was installed.

repoze.xmliter: 0.5 → 0.6
- Python 3 compatibility
  [Lennart Regebro]

WebOb: 1.0.8 → 1.4.1

Plone: 4.3.7 → 4.3.8
- Release Plone 4.3.8

Products.ATContentTypes: 2.1.16 → 2.1.18

- Backport CSRF fixes.
  [vangheem] [gforcada]

- Tests: use POST for discussion_reply.

Products.CMFDiffTool: 2.1.1 → 2.1.2
- Added collective.testcaselayer to test requirements.

Products.CMFEditions: 2.2.16 → 2.2.19

- Fixed sometimes failing test. [maurits]

- Removed executable bit from various files. And do a quick release,
  as on a test server the previous release was somehow missing a file.

- Made storage statistics test more robust.

Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow: 1.5.11 → 1.5.13

- Ignore the Topic content type, since it may not be available if is installed

- Fixed test after new default dependency strategy for GenericSetup.

Products.CMFPlone: 4.3.7 → 4.3.8c1

- Add dl.portalMessage.warning to common_content_filter in popupforms.js so
  warnings get also pulled into the popup. [pcdummy]

- Disabled CSRF protection on site creation form and upgrade form. [maurits]

- When migration fails, do not upgrade addons or recatalog or
  update roles.

- Let plone-final import step also depend on the workflow step.
  Otherwise the plone-final step installs with an
  extra workflow, and then our own workflow step throws it away again.
  Closes `#1041`_.

- Purge profile upgrade versions from portal_setup when applying our
  default CMFPlone:plone profile. This signals that nothing has been
  installed yet, so depencies will get reapplied instead of possibly
  upgraded. This could cause problems mostly in tests. Closes

- Add syndication for collections.

- Add CSRF authenticator in createObject script

- Let set_own_login_name use the update(Own)LoginName method from PAS.
  Part of PLIP 13419.

Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool: 3.0.12 → 3.0.13

- Use ``unsetLastVersionForProfile`` from Products.GenericSetup 1.8.1.

Products.GenericSetup: 1.7.7 → 1.8.2
- Added optional ``pre_handler`` and ``post_handler`` to
  ``registerProfile`` directive. When set, these dotted names are
  resolved to a function and are passed the setup tool as single
  argument. They are called before and after applying all import
  steps of the profile they are registered for. [maurits]

- Sorted import profiles alphabetically lowercase. Allow selecting a
  profile by title or id. [maurits]

- Do not show dependency options on the full import tab when there are
  no dependencies. [maurits]

- Do not select a profile by default in the import tabs. [maurits]

- Added simple toggle for all steps on the advanced import tab.
  Also added this on the export tab.

- Fixed importing a tarball. This got an AttributeError: "'NoneType'
  object has no attribute 'startswith'".

- Split overly complex Import tab into three tabs: Import (for
  importing a full profile), Advanced Import (the original
  ``manage_importSteps`` url leads to this tab), and Tarball Import.

- Show note on import tab when there are pending upgrades. Especially
  show this for the currently selected profile.

- Upgrades tab: show profiles with pending upgrades separately. These
  are the most important ones. This avoids the need to manually go
  through the whole list in order to find profiles that may need
  action. This uses new methods on the setup tool:
  ``hasPendingUpgrades``, ``listProfilesWithPendingUpgrades``,

- Purge the profile upgrade versions before applying a base profile.

- Added ``purgeProfileVersions`` method to ``portal_setup``. This
  removes the all profiles profile upgrade versions.

- Added ``unsetLastVersionForProfile`` method to ``portal_setup``. This
  removes the profile id from the profile upgrade versions. Calling
  ``setLastVersionForProfile`` with ``unknown`` as version now has the
  same effect.

- Be more forgiving when dealing with profile ids with or without
  ``profile-`` at the start. All functions that accept a profile id
  argument and only work when the id does *not* have this string at
  the start, will now strip it off if it is there. For example,
  ``getLastVersionForProfile`` will give the same answer whether you
  ask it for the version of profile id ``foo`` or ``profile-foo``.

- Dependency profiles from ``metadata.xml`` that are already applied,
  are not applied again. Instead, its upgrade steps, if any, are
  applied. In code you can choose the old behavior of always applying
  the dependencies, by calling ``runAllImportStepsFromProfile`` with
  ``dependency_strategy=DEPENDENCY_STRATEGY_REAPPLY``. There are four
  strategies, which you can choose in the ZMI.

Products.PlonePAS: 4.1.5 → 5.0.9

Products.PluggableAuthService: 1.10.0 → 1.11.0
- Add new event to be able to notify group deletion.

- Fix usage of os.path.split(). Could result in Errors during import
  on Windows.

Products.PluginRegistry: 1.3 → 1.4
- Fix usage of os.path.split(). Could result in Errors during import
  on Windows.

Products.PortalTransforms: 2.1.10 → 2.1.11

- Fix output of TransformTest to not contain binary in case of failure. This
  broke the test result parser.

- cleanup: autopep8, isort sorted imports, utf8 header, security decorators,
  zca decorators, minor manual edits

Products.TinyMCE: 1.3.14 → 1.3.18

- Fixed bug where the plonebrowser dialog wouldn't properly populate the
  anchors if the HTML5 schema was used.

- Show the anchor dropdown for internal links again if it was empty once.

- Change default search method and results order used when searching for content on internal links.
  Now we search by ``Title`` (as it is faster than ``SearchableText``) and return results sorted by relevance instead of ``sortable_title``.

- Fixed bug where the plonebrowser dialog wouldn't properly populate the
  anchors if the HTML5 schema was used.

- Let upload adapter check permissions

- fix `path` expression in `wysiwyg_support`;
  `` support for `collective.ckeditor` where
  `ckeditor_wysiwyg_support` is a view rather than a skin

- Fixed dexterity upload file from plonebrowser using tinymce-upload
  view when uploading to a dexterity default
  file or image.

archetypes.referencebrowserwidget: 2.5.4 → 2.5.7

- Fixed to work with Plone 5. [vangheem]

- Updated to work with new plone.batching ``pagination`` selector as
  well as with old one. [thet]

- Do not fail if a level of the path we are adding the object using
  the ReferenceBrowser widget is not accessible by the current user.

- Show elements that the reader has no access to as "Undisclosed" instead of
  throwing Unauthorized.

diazo: 1.0.6 → 1.1.3

- Fixed tests on Python 2.6.

- Allow inline content for after and before.

- Fixed issue with remote themes via https connections

- Make flake8 happy by moving imports to top of file.

- Python 3 support.
  [regebro, elro] 1.5.16 → 1.5.17

- Made catalog migration test clearer in case of failure. [maurits] 3.0.8 → 3.0.9

- CSRF fix: safe write on read.
  [gforcada] 2.0.16 → 2.0.17

- Avoid re-adding the UUID on an upgrade step.
  [gforcada] 2.2.15 → 2.2.16

- Fixed possible test failure by not overriding an existing user. [maurits] 1.1.0 → 1.1.2

- Use registry lookup for types_use_view_action_in_listings.


- Reverted to Plone 4 way of looking up types_use_view_action_in_listings.

- Fixed test in combination with Products.BTreeFolder2 2.13.4 and
  [maurits] 2.2.6 → 2.2.7
- More context for WYSIWYG editor
  [gotcha] 1.0.11 → 1.0.13

- *add item here*


- Disable csrf protection when scale is generated and traversed to.

- Fixed incompatibilities with and chameleon (closes `#16`_).
  [rodfersou, maurits]

- Fixed 404 NotFound error when accessing image scales via webdav.
  [maurits] 2.1.13 → 2.1.14

- Keep the default page setting when checking in a document.
  [maurits] 2.3.13 → 2.3.14

- Fixed possible test failure by not comparing member objects, but
  member ids and user names. [maurits] 1.5.6 → 1.5.8

- *add item here*


- *add item here*

- make handler.findObject() work when the webserver rewrites the portal name

- Make import from Dexterity conditional. Fixes #29.
  [pbauer] 4.3.7 → 4.3.10
- Fix vietnamese error in label_filed_under message.

- Include messages from plone.formwidget.namedfile, plone.formwidget.datetime,
  plone.formwidget.contenttree which now use the plone domain.

- Updated pt-BR translations.

- Add 46 new messages extracted mainly from zcml files.

- Really include plone.protect messages, the previous release didn't include

- Update Spanish translation and glossary of terms

- Include plone.protect messages 1.2.7 → 1.2.9

- Fixed flake8 warnings.

- Updated compatibility information in README.

- Fixed Sortable Indexes to not return ZCTextIndex type indexes.
  [winstonf88] 1.3.18 → 1.3.21

- Registry upgrades for Plone 5.0.3

- Hidden the v50 module from the installable products, just like our
  other modules. [maurits]

- reapply profile for site-controlpanel

- extended step to501 to recreate metadata for getIcon, see
  plone/Products.CMFPlone#1226, #58, #60, #61
  [fgrcon, gagaro, jensens]

- Removed fake kupu tool and related settings and resources.

- Cleanup the skins tool.

- Cleanup uninstalled products. Remove uninstalled products from QI
  and mark their installed profile version as unknown.

- If non installable profiles (really: hidden profiles) have been
  installed in GS, mark their products as installed in the QI. This
  does not work when also that *product* is marked as non installable,
  because in normal operation (outside of this does
  not happen either.

- Unmark installed profiles that are no longer available.


- Use `unsetLastVersionForProfile` from GenericSetup 1.8.1 and
  higher. [maurits]

- Fix ``cleanUpProductRegistry`` to not break when ``Control_Panel`` cannot be found.
  Fixes test failures with Zope 4.

- Run missing upgrade-step of when upgrading to 5.0.2.

- Fixed removal of Large Plone Folder when migrating from Plone 3.
  [maurits] 1.2.2 → 1.2.4

- Fixed possible test failure by opening a file in a standard way
  instead of via pkg_resources. [maurits]

- Fixed changelog. 1.2.2 was already released in June, but the commit
  did not make it to github.

- Added more tests in password.txt.
  [maurits] 2.0.8 → 2.0.9
- Fix manage-viewlets for Plone 5
  [pbauer] 2.1.20 → 2.1.23

- Restrict Catalog vocabulary to search current Navigation Root unless
  path is specified.

- Reverted changes of release 2.1.21 as they are incompatible with
  Plone 4.3. The 2.1.x series will remain compatible with Plone 4.3
  (and 4.1 and 4.2).

- Pull available_editors values from the configuration registry.

plone.autoform: 1.6.1 → 1.6.2

- Fix test for changed ``zope.interface`` comparison method, which
  incorrectly reports two different Interfaces from the same module
  but with empty name as being equal. [thet]

plone.batching: 1.0.5 → 1.0.8

- Make ellipses stylable and provide more CSS hooks to pagination
  markup. This also deprecates the CSS class ``listingBar`` in favor
  of more commonly used ``pagination``, which will be the canonical
  one in Plone 5.0.2 and up. [davilima6]

- Introduce a "omit_params" option for the ``make_link`` method and filter out
  ``ajax_load`` by default. When loading the contents with batchnavigation via
  ajax, it doesn't render the links with ajax_load enabled, which would
  probably lead to usability troubles.


- Fixed missing test in released package.

- PEP 8, UTF 8 headers, docs cleanup.

plone.behavior: 1.1 → 1.1.1

- Make doctest comparison more robust against zope.component __repr__ changes.

plone.browserlayer: 2.1.5 → 2.1.6

- Minor cleanup in order to follow plone code style conventions.

plone.cachepurging: 1.0.9 → 1.0.11

- Fixed typo.

- Changed i18n_domain to "plone".

plone.contentrules: 2.0.4 → 2.0.5

- CSRF fix: safe write on read.

plone.dexterity: 2.2.4 → 2.2.6

- Use attribute for DefaultAddForm and DefaultEditForm success message so it can
  be easily customized.


- Sync schema when schema_policy name is changed (issue #44)

plone.formwidget.namedfile: 1.0.13 → 1.0.14

- Use plone i18n domain.

- Add Finnish translations.


- Specify doctest encoding and make doctest more robust against formatting changes.

- Replace deprecated ``zope.testing.doctestunit`` import with ``doctest`` module from stdlib.

plone.indexer: 1.0.3 → 1.0.4

- Replace deprecated ``zope.testing.doctestunit`` import with ``doctest``
  module from stdlib.

- Reformat according to the Plone styleguide.

plone.intelligenttext: 2.0.3 → 2.1.0

- Make compatible with Python 3.


- Minor cleanup (pep8, readability, ReST)

plone.locking: 2.0.8 → 2.0.9

- Locks stored on annotations are a safe write on read.

plone.memoize: 1.1.1 → 1.1.2

- Restructure docs.

- Minor PEP 8.

plone.namedfile: 2.0.9 → 3.0.7

plone.outputfilters: 1.15 → 1.15.1

- Declared GenericSetup dependencies: our profile depends on

plone.portlet.collection: 2.1.8 → 2.1.10

- Fix 'Select random items' when used with new-style collections
  with more results than the batch size.

- Fixed sometimes failing test due to sorting.

- Fixed show_dates test to actually test for a real date.
  [timo, maurits]

plone.portlets: 2.2 → 2.2.2

- Rerelease to fix problem on test server. [maurits]

- Do not break in placeless portlet retriever if there is no underlying code
  available for existing portlet assignment.

- Prevent possible unicode errors when creating portlet hashes. [wichert]

plone.protect: 2.0.2 → 2.0.3

- Added ``token`` to ``@@authenticator`` view. For forward
  compatibility with plone.protect 3. [maurits]

- Added ``plone.protect.interfaces.IDisableCSRFProtection`` from
  plone.protect 3. It has no effect in this version. It is only here
  to avoid having to do conditional imports when you want to disable
  csrf protection that is not actually in this version. [maurits]

plone.registry: 1.0.2 → 1.0.3

- Replace deprecated ``zope.testing.doctestunit`` import with ``doctest``
  module from stdlib.

- Cleanup: Pep8, utf8 headers, whitespace fixes, readability, ReST-fixes,
  doc-style, etc.

plone.reload: 2.0 → 2.0.1

- Minor packaging fixes. [gforcada, maurits]

plone.resource: 1.0.4 → 1.0.5

- Test fix: ``clearZCML`` was removed from ``zope.component.tests``.

- Cleanup: PEP8, plone-coding conventions, ReST fixes, documentation
  overhaul, et al.

plone.rfc822: 1.1.1 → 1.1.2

- Fix test isolation problem.

- Replace deprecated ``zope.testing.doctest`` import with ``doctest`` module from stdlib.

plone.scale: 1.3.5 → 1.4.1

plone.subrequest: 1.6.9 → 1.6.11
- propagate IDisableCSRFProtection interface on subrequest to parent request object

- propagate registered safe writes from plone.protect to parent request object.

plone.supermodel: 1.2.6 → 1.2.7

- Add temporary fix for a test failure within a Zope 4 environment.

plone.testing: 4.0.15 → 4.1.1

- Fix tests for Zope 4, where the app root Control_Panel is not available anymore.

- Rename all txt doctest files to rst. Reformat doctests.

- PEP 8.

- Depend on zope.testrunner, which was moved out from

- Add support for Zope 4.

plone.transformchain: 1.0.4 → 1.1.0

- Require Zope2 >= 2.13.23


- PEP8 et al. use zca decorators, ...

z3c.form: 3.2.4 → 3.2.9
- Correctly handled ``noValueToken`` in RadioWidget. This avoids a
  ``LookupError: --NOVALUE--``. [gaudenz,ale-rt]

- Added ``json`` method for forms and ``json_data`` method for
  widgets. [mmilkin]

- Change javascript for updating ordered select widget hidden structure so it
  works again on IE11 and doesn't send back an empty list that deletes all
  selections on save. Fixes

- Started on Dutch translations.

- Standardized namespace __init__. [agroszer]

- Remove "cannot move farther up/down" messages
  in ordered select widget.

- Updated Traditional Chinese translation.

- Fixed warnings in headers of locales files.
  Checked with `msgfmt -c`.

- Added Finnish translation.

- Added Traditional Chinese translation.

- Fixed error on Python 3: NameError: global name 'basestring' is not
  defined. This fixes a bug introduced in version 3.2.1.

z3c.formwidget.query: 0.11 → 0.12
- Code moved to

collective.js.jqueryui: 1.10.3 → 1.10.4
--------------------------------------- 1.0.1 → 1.0.3
---------------------------------------- 0.7.0 → 0.7.4

plone.directives.form: 2.0.1 → 2.0.2

- Changed i18n_domain to "plone".

- Removed unneeded i18n-attribute.

plone.formwidget.autocomplete: 1.2.8 → 1.2.9

- Use plone i18n domain

plone.formwidget.contenttree: 1.0.9 → 1.0.13

- Translations moved to in plone domain.

- Remove unnecessary test setup.

- Fix HTML entities in browse button title

- Implement __len__ for PathSource

- Add missing test dependency declaration.

- Add support for providing defaults to contenttrees. This wasn't reliable
  previously as only defaults that were found by the initial query were
  rendered. Now SourceBinders take an optional default or defaultFactory
  argument, in the same format as schema.Choice.

- Render CSS as link, no css-import. This allows cooking with other
  link rendered css and gives better asynchronous download behavior.

- Add support for navigating into objects with spaces in their ids

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