Plone 4.1.5

Milestone information

Eric Steele
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File Description Downloads
download icon Plone-4.1.5-UnifiedInstaller-20120604.tgz (md5, sig) Plone 4.1.5 Unified Installer; Source install kit for Linux/BSD/OS X (updated 2012-06-04) 3,326
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon Plone-4.1.5-lion.dmg (md5, sig) Plone 4.1.5 OS X Binary Installer for Lion 660
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
download icon setup-plone41-4.1.5-5338-win32.exe (md5) Windows Installer for Plone 4.1.5 3,841
last downloaded 45 weeks ago
download icon Plone-4.1.5-UnifiedInstaller.tgz (md5, sig) Plone 4.1.5 Unified Installer; Source install kit for Linux/BSD/OS X 379
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
Total downloads: 8,206

Release notes 

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View the full changelog

Plone: 4.1.4 → 4.1.5

- Release Plone 4.1.5 final.

Products.ATContentTypes: 2.1.6 → 2.1.7

- Restored icon display in topic tabular view

Products.Archetypes: 1.7.12 → 1.7.13

- Make sure inline editing calls target the
  id="parent-fieldname-$fieldName-$UID" on text fields.

Products.CMFCore: 2.2.5 → 2.2.6
- Avoid a shallow dependency on Products.ZReST. (Merged [122078])
- DirectoryView: Improved debug mode speed on NTFS partitions. The much faster
 non-Windows implementation is now used on Windows as well if non-FAT32 time
 stamps are detected. In rare cases that heuristic approach might fail to
 detected NTFS partitions. (Merged [120174])

Products.CMFPlone: 4.1.4 → 4.1.5

- Stop filtering folder_listing to the types from
  @@plone_portal_state/friendly_types, since that excludes non-searchable
  types rather than non-listable types.
- PloneControlPanel's enumConfiglets no longer returns invisible configlets.
- Use getId() instead of title_or_id() for displaying which items get
  deleted, to avoid unicode error
- Hide left column in prefs_main_template when user does not have access to
- Re-apply PLIP 10901 to table_sort.js, fixing a bug with reversing sort
  on the first column.

Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool: 3.0.5 → 3.0.6

- Fixed a bug where products installed via a GenericSetup profile would
  record the installed items from all of the profile's dependencies.
  This would then result in too much being removed when the product
  was uninstalled.
- Add some missing test setup.
- Remove InstalledProduct instance when a product is uninstalled.
  Leaving the instance around can prevent settings from being stored
  properly on subsequent installation of the product.

Products.contentmigration: 2.0.3 → 2.1.1

- Migrate marker interfaces.
- Migrate extension fields too (archetypes.schemaextender).
- Use obj.__parent__ instead of obj getParentNode() for Zope trunk
- Add support for a limit option for the catalog based walkers, so it only
  tries to load up to limit items at a time, defaulting to no limit.
- Catch attribute errors during brain.getObject and log them instead of
  breaking the upgrade.

Products.GenericSetup: 1.6.5 → 1.6.6

Products.PlonePAS: 4.0.11 → 4.0.12

- Make sure that during registration you can change your member
  portrait (if this has been enabled the member registration config).

Products.ResourceRegistries: 2.0.6 → 2.0.9

- Revert a change which introduced HTML5 code into the XHTML 1.0 validated 4.1
  branch. Refs
- Add time element. This is necessary for the generated ids to update
  on any save, to reflect possible updates in the served content.
- Use iterative magic number generation based on the properties of all
  included resources (for each concatenated resource).

  This fixes an issue with external caches where resources for
  different content would sometimes get assigned the same resource id
  (due to the previous implementation using a random integer), making
  it impossible to cache a resource correctly without additional
- Fixed ZMI screens to render for resources containing query strings in their
  ids, like found in the plone.session refresh support.

Products.TinyMCE: 1.2.10 → 1.2.11

- Fix original scale (dexterity-based images need 'my_image/@@images/image'
  instead of just 'my_image')
- Allow upload of dexterity based images. This is aimed at but should work with all dexterity bases-images.
- Fixed AttributeError: NoneType object has no attribute
  physicalPathToURL when getRequest cannot get a request. Use the
  REQUEST from the context in that case.
- Determine mimetype correctly for RichText widgets with
  ignoreContext = True (such as on add forms).
  (Requires >= 1.1.1)
- Removed comma at the end of a dict in tiny_mce_init.js. This fixes javascript
  error on IE7. This was broken in 1.2.10.

archetypes.referencebrowserwidget: 2.4.9 → 2.4.11

- Fixed breadcrumbs internationalization in popup. [thomasdesvenain]
- We can restrict browsable types, with browsable_types parameter on widget. [thomasdesvenain] 1.0.1 → 1.0.3

- Fix packaging issue. [esteele]
- Handle caching of resource registries in RAM cache by not storing empty
  bodies in the RAMCache [eleddy with major tseaver support] 2.0.7 → 2.0.9

- In allow properly sorting on modification date, by adding a
  class like sortabledata-2012-04-03-10-37-27.
- Namechooser: Attempt to return an id with timestamp before returning a
  value error after 100 id check attempts.
- Namechooser: Pass the parent object to the Plone check_id script so
  it can detect duplicates.
- Namechooser: Use the Zope ObjectManager _checkId method to check
  new ids when possible, to avoid errors when adding invalid
  ids not caught by the old check. This fixes
  [davisagli] 2.1.3 → 2.1.4

- Don't display an empty list element if the control panel item isn't visible.
- Restore the ILockSettings support using the
  EditingControlPanelAdapter. This may affect (IOW,
  formlib) forms whose subscribers call
- Fix tests after recent change to create a
  useractions view.
- Make a condition in Chameleon-safe.
  [stefan] 2.1.3 → 2.1.5

- Redirect to "/view" for Image, File and anything listed as requiring a view
  in the url to properly display comments. [eleddy]
- Make comments and controlpanel views more robust, so they don't break if no
  workflow is assigned to the 'Discussion Item' content type. [timo]
- Warning message added to discussion control panel that shows up if there
  are unmigrated comments. [timo]
- Make topic/collection tests pass when is installed.
- Revert modification date since this is fixed in p.a.caching now. [eleddy]
- Add missing meta_typ to "Review comments" portal action. [batlock666] 1.0.5 → 1.0.6

- Avoid loading an image scale object in order to generate a tag. It's
  expensive because it loads the image data into memory. The documentation
  has been updated to reflect that this is the most efficient usage of the API. 2.1.4 → 2.1.5

- Don't declare IIterateAware as an extension of Archetypes' IReferenceable,
  because there are other implementations (such as the one for Dexterity)
  that don't use Archetypes references.
- Make sure permissions of working copy workflow get applied when checking
  out content, fixes
  [anthonygerrard] 1.4.4 → 1.4.5

- Fix an error in handling absolute links to objects within the portal,
  which prevented references from being created based on those links.
  This closes
- Stabilize the sort order of breach sources returned for the
  confirmation view.
- Use the get method to retrieve the field value if the instance
  does not provide an accessor method. This is the case for instance
  for fields which have been added via schema extension.
- Support resolveuid/UID references explicitely, by parsing and resolving
  these ourselves instead of relying on a view or script (which doesn't work).
  This fixes linkintegrity for sites with link-by-uid turned on.
  This closes
  [mj] 1.1.5 → 1.1.6
-------------------------------- 2.1.5 → 2.1.6

- Made our mock queryUtility in the tests more life like. This avoids
  test failures in combination with zope.pagetemplate 3.6.0 or higher.

plone.autoform: 1.0 → 1.2

- Moved form schema directives here from plone.directives.form, and
  reimplemented them as plone.supermodel directives to avoid depending on
  grok. Included directives: omitted, no_omit, mode, widget, order_before,
  order_after, read_permission, write_permission
- Added the AutoObjectSubForm class to support form hints for
  object widget subforms.

plone.outputfilters: 1.1 → 1.2

- Prevent transformation of links to anchors on the same page.
- Fixed undefined uuid variable in kupu_resolveuid_hook branch
  in resolveuid view.
- Make sure links to expired objects can still be resolved by the resolveuid view.
- alt/title attributes on img tags were not present if tinymce uid linking was not used
- When making relative URIs absolute, use the parent as the relative
  root when the context is not folderish. Fixes an issue where
  relative URLs from Plone 3, for example, had the wrong URLs under
  Plone 4 when a default page was used for a folder.
- Fixed testing error when packaged with a missing README.rst.

plone.supermodel: 1.0.3 → 1.1.1

- Fix a packaging error.
- Support i18n:domain and i18n:translate for internationalization.
- When an error is encountered while parsing a supermodel, the exception
  now provides the filename, line number, and source of the part of the
  model that was being processed. Inclusion of the line number and source
  requires lxml.
- Add model.Schema and directives to avoid grok dependency.
- When syncing to a schema that inherits fields from a base, include fields
  with the same names as the inherited fields even when overwrite is False.
  This fixes

z3c.ptcompat: 1.0 → 1.0.1

z3c.template: 1.4 → 1.4.1

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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