Comment 13 for bug 596862

Revision history for this message
Joël Grand-Guillaume @ camptocamp (jgrandguillaume-c2c) wrote : Re: Regression on sales flow, no way to cancel SO anymore


Alright, I came back from OpenERP SA Belgium and have discussed this issue with Fabien. For the stable release, we suggest to add the sale_id field in the out going packing and make it editable (for now it's read-only). So user can manually detach the outgoing packing from the SO, return it with the return packing wizard, and cancel the related SO.

This way, stock are alright and you can cancel the SO.

For the next version 6.0, we'll need something "cleaner" and a workflow to allow the cancelation of the SO would be nice. This is a complex case which need to be discussed with Fabien and the manufacturing/service experts.

I attache the little patch to allow the cancellation in v. 5.0.

