Comment 31 for bug 1160365

Revision history for this message
Goran Kliska (gkliska) wrote :

Copy (with additions) of my comment:

Basically supporting Therp and Ana Juaristi Olalde (ajuaristio) opinions.
"One address is nothing more than one address. Many2many with all other entities. One same address can be related to any other entity, so including address on partner, not having address separate entity is itself one bad basic db error..."

Partners and products are cornerstones of any business program.
While trying to implement universal model described here
programs usually becomes too complex to use.

Hierarchy in Partner entity is good for describing complex organizations. Nothing more.
On a second thought, we will be better off without hierarchy in Partner entity.
Let it be separate "relationships" entity capable of describing any type of organization.
Flag 'is_company' can be good enough to distinguish Persons and Organizations.
There is a need for Address as a separate entity and many2many relations.
Let it be generic address with a type and usage that can be easily extended.

Other m2m relations Partners2Partners with relation types can then be implemented as
series of addons adding complexity as needed.

It is easier to make additional module for simple use cases hiding complexity,
than to build complex divergent modules on "sand".

Moving Contacts form partner_address is improvement in 7.0.,
but "not having address separate entity " is not.

There is a need to be clear about when we are talking about:
   1. Efforts to somehow fix 7.0 functional/usability problems
        +1 for: Holger Brunn (Therp)s "The idea to duplicate or automatically copy data should be anathema ..."
                       and two field approach on business documents.
         What about hiding&disabling contacts as childs on partner form, and new objects for addresses and relationships?
   2. What is the roadmap/plan/wishlist for next major release (if any)
       +1 for Ana Juaristi Olalde opinions, and
       Is there any chance to change this point in near future?
          " - We think the 7.0 partner model is appropriate and should not be considered the cause for these functional/usability problems "

Thanks MY 2 cents.
Goran Kliska