NUnitLite 1.0b2

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Charlie Poole
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7 Charlie Poole
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7 Fix Released

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download icon NUnitLiteCF.1.0.0-beta2.nupkg (md5) Nuget Package for Compact Framework 32
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download icon NUnitLite.1.0.0-beta2.nupkg (md5) NuGet Package 31
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Total downloads: 120

Release notes 

NUnitLite Version 1.0 Beta 2 - August 17, 2013


* The TimeoutAttribute is now avaialable under the Compact Famework.


* The DelayedConstraint and its associated 'After' syntax are now
available under the Compact Framework.

Bug Fixes

* 1071343 Runner.Load fails on compact framework if the test assembly contains a generic method
* 1203361 Randomizer uniqueness tests sometimes fail
* 1212890 The /seed option value is not being used to generate tests
* 1213174 Implement TimeoutAttribute for the compact framework builds
* 1213176 Compact framework and Silverlight builds should use the document folder
* 1213180 Split Compact frameowork 2.0 and 3.5 builds into separate solutions
* 1213451 Implement DelayedConstraint for the compact framework builds

NUnitLite Version 1.0 Beta 1 - July 28, 2013


* The build-in runner now accepts a -seed option, which may be used to
set the seed for random arguments as well as for use by TestContext.Random.
By setting the seed to the value used in a prior run, the same sequence
of random values will be used in the current run, provided the tests
have not been changed in any way between runs.

Bug Fixes

* 1111838 Include Random Seed in Test Report
* 1182634 TestContext.Random.GetEnm isn't generic in .NET 4
* 1183582 Add -seed /seed Command Line Option
* 1203360 Tests under Ignored fixtures are not reported
* 1203959 Resolve level of Silverlight support for the release
* 1203961 Review and revise XML format for release

NUnitLite Version 0.9 - May 5, 2013


* A .NET 4.5 build is included. When using the 4.5 package,
  C# 5.0 async methods may be used as tests, as the target of
  a Throws constraint and as an ActualValueDelegate returning
  the value to be tested.

* Experimental builds for Silverlight 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 are included.

* TestContext.Random may be used to provide random values of various
  types for use in your tests.

* The experimental Asynchronous attribute has been removed.


* The runner now supports the -include and -exclude options, which
  are used to specify categories of tests to be included in a run.

* Test execution time is now reported at a higher resolution on
  systems that support it.

Bug Fixes

* 501784 Theory tests do not work correctly when using null parameters
* 671432 Upgrade NAnt to Latest Release
* 1028188 Add Support for Silverlight
* 1029785 Test loaded from remote folder failed to run with exception System.IO.Directory Not Found
* 1057981 C#5 async tests are not supported
* 1060631 Add .NET 4.5 build
* 1064014 Simple async tests should not return Task<T>
* 1071164 Support async methods in usage scenarios of Throws constraints
* 1071714 TestContext is broken when a previous version of the runner is used alongside a new version of the framework
* 1071861 Error in Path Constraints
* 1072379 Report test execution time at a higher resolution
* 1073750 Remove Asynchronous Attribute
* 1074568 Assert/Assume should support an async method for the ActualValueDelegate
* 1082330 Better Exception if SetCulture attribute is applied multiple times
* 1111834 Expose Random Object as part of the test context
* 1172979 Add Category Support to nunitlite Runner
* 1174741 sl-4.0 csproj file is corrupt

NUnitLite Version 0.8 - September 13, 2012


* The runner now displays the framework version for which it
was built in the header, in addition to the framework under
which it is currently running.

* The new -explore option will list all the tests to a file
in XML format, without running them.

* The runner now supports the -test option, which allows
selecting specific tests to be executed.


* The new AsynchronousAttribute marks test methods that are
to be run asynchronously. An asynchronous test runs on a
separate thread and continues to run to completion while
other tests run. Asynchronous tests must be written to
avoid accessing common data, which may be changed by
other tests.

* RandomAttribute can now provide random enumeration data

* PlatformAttribute now recognizes MacOsX, Xbox and MonoTouch

* The following attributes from full NUnit are now supported
by NUnitLite:


* The following constraints from full NUnit are now supported
by NUnitLite:

* New Syntax Helpers are supported in conjunction with the
above constraints:

Bug Fixes

* 999133 Comments in Program.cs document non-existing classes
* 999136 NUGet adds all three assemblies to the project
* 999137 result:path missing filename could use better error report
* 1000213 Inconclusive message Not in report output
* 1020295 add v2 results output for continuous integration server support
* 1023003 -explore does not work unless a path is specified
* 1023084 Add Enum support to RandomAttribute
* 1023673 -test:<testName> argument does not work
* 1028181 TextUi class does not make use of TextWriter passed to constructor
* 1028252 Implement PredicateConstraint in NUnitLite
* 1028253 Implement Theories in NUnitLite
* 1029170 Implement ReusableConstraint in NUnitLite
* 1029216 Implement ExactCountConstraint in NUnitLite
* 1037144 Add MonoTouch support to PlatformAttribute
* 1041365 Add MaxOsX and Xbox support to platform attribute
* 1047585 Add Asynchronous attribute

NUnitLite Version 0.7 - May 11, 2012

This release brings NUnitLite to a point where it is functionally
equivalent to the NUnit 3.0 build of NUnitLite and has most of the
same capabilities as the full version of NUnit.

Obsolete methods and classes have been removed and the code has been
reorganized to facilitate code sharing with NUnit 3.0.

NUnitLite is now built for the desktop using Visual Studio 2010. A VS 2008 project is still used for the compact framework builds.

Separate builds are now created for .NET 2.0, 3.5 and 4.0

A nuspec file is now provided and NUnitLite is distributed under NuGet.

New Features and Enhancements

* An An XML result file may be saved using the --result option of the runner.

* The --explore option will create a list of tests contained in the assembly.

* The --out option allows redirecting the final result to a report file. It must be used when running the test on a device without a Console.

* Assume.That is now supported

* ExpectedExceptionAttribute now supports the same properties as for full NUnit.

* New Constraints

* New Asserts

* New Syntax Helpers:

  Is: Positive

  Has: Exactly

* New Attributes
   SetCultureAttribute (not available on compact framework)
   SetUICultureAttribute (not available on compact framework)

Bug Fixes

* 554633 NUnitLite.csproj doesn't have required constants for Release
* 742473 Assert.Pass is treated as a test failure
* 742625 TestLoader.Load fails when run under Unity's web-player
* 996055 NUnitLite runner should allow redirecting output via command line
* 996059 Need a VS project for compact framework

NUnitLite Version 0.6 - January 13, 2010

This is the first release of NUnitLite under the MIT license.

New Features and Enhancements

* New Asserts

* New Syntax Helpers:

  Throws: InnerException

  Has: InnerException


Bug fixes:

* Additional control characters are now escaped in message output

* A Stream now compares correctly as equal to itself

NUnitLite Version 0.5 - June 14, 2009

This is the first release from our new project
and aims at improved compatibility with NUnit 2.5.

New Features and Enhancements

* New Constraints:
       BinarySerializableConstraint (not available on compact framework)
       XmlSerializableConstraint (not available on compact framework 1.0)

* New Syntax Helpers

  Is: AssignableTo
       BinarySerializable (not available on compact framework)
       TypeOf (replacing Type)
       InstanceOf (replacing InstanceOfType)
       XmlSerializable (not available on compact framework 1.0)

  Has: Attribute

NUnitLite Version 0.2 - November 3, 2007

New Features and Enhancements

* New attributes: PropertyAttribute, DescriptionAttribute, IgnoreAttribute
* Text runner output may now be redirected (issue 12449)
* Added VS solution for building under the compact framework (issue 14447)
* Solutions are no longer bound to Source Control and anonymous access is now possible using several clients

Bug fixes:

* Fixed incorrect preprocessor constants (12361, 12411)
* Fixed StackFilter to use correct namespace (12372)
* Expected Exception is now handled corretly on Compact Framework (1446)

NUnitLite Version 0.1 - August 20, 2007

The initial release of NUnitLite includes the following features:

* Builds and runs on .NET 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0, .NET CF 1.0 and 2.0 and Mono 1.0 and 2.0 profiles. Since only a console runner is provided, it is not yet possible to run on devices that do not include a console.

* Attributes recognized:

* Tests may be identified by inheritance from TestCase or using attributes.

* Assert methods:

* Constraint classes (excluding abstract classes):
       RegexConstraint (not available on compact framework)

* Syntax helpers:
       Is: Not, All, Null, True, False, NaN, Empty, Unique, EqualTo, SameAs,
           GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo, LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo,
           AtLeast, AtMost, Type, InstanceOfType, AssignableFrom, StringContaining,
           StringStarting, StringEnding, StringMatching (except compact framework),
           EquivalentTo, SubsetOf

       Contains: Substring, Item

       Has: No, All, Some, None,Property, Length, Count, Member


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 7 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1071343 #1071343 Runner.Load fails on CF if the test assembly contains a generic method 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1203361 #1203361 Randomizer uniqueness tests sometimes fail 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1212890 #1212890 The /seed option value is not being used to generate tests 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1213174 #1213174 Implement TimeoutAttribute for the compact framework build 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1213451 #1213451 Implement DelayedConstraint for the compact framework builds 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1213176 #1213176 Compact framework and Silverlight builds should use the document folder 5 Low Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
1213180 #1213180 Split Compact Framework 2.0 and 3.5 builds into separate solutions 5 Low Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
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