
Comment 6 for bug 1368652

Revision history for this message
Daniel van Vugt (vanvugt) wrote :

The problem's now a bit worse since r2194:

Signal 1 received. Good night.
Caught exception at Mir/EGL driver boundary: /home/dan/bzr/mir/managed-surface/src/client/rpc/stream_socket_transport.cpp(166): Throw in function virtual void mir::client::rpc::StreamSocketTransport::send_message(const std::vector<unsigned char>&, const std::vector<mir::Fd>&)
Dynamic exception type: N5boost16exception_detail10clone_implINS0_19error_info_injectorIN3mir25socket_disconnected_errorEEEEE
std::exception::what: Failed to send message to server: Broken pipe
32, "Broken pipe"
[1420515827.256161] (EE) MirSurfaceAPI: Caught exception at client library boundary (in mir_surface_release): Failed to send message to server: Broken pipe
[1420515827.256314] (EE) MirConnectionAPI: Caught exception at client library boundary (in release): Failed to send message to server: Broken pipe

So we need to remove the old exception message first. Second we shouldn't be logging anything because "Broken pipe" isn't really an error. The same information is already conveyed to the client app by SIGHUP.