
Comment 2 for bug 1316987

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Josh Arenson (josharenson) wrote :

I can think of several ways to fix this, most of which make this bug invalid.

1. Modify the gtest framework to expose argc and argv. Obviously this is a terrible idea.
2. We are currently using the default "main" function supplied by gtest. There is no reason we can't override main and capture the variables. I may propose this change to https://code.launchpad.net/~josharenson/mir/install_glmark2/+merge/218334 as it seems like the best option.
3. Create a subclass of testing::Test that implements a main method that exposes cli args.

Since it seems this is a feature that would only be used in very specific cases, I would propose marking this as invalid and just implementing choice #2 when needed. Thoughts?