Comment 1 for bug 1761269

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Mike Pontillo (mpontillo) wrote :

Some technical background: MAAS models containers as "devices" internally. This is why they show up as "devices". A "device", to MAAS, is something on the network that MAAS knows about which is "unmanaged" (can't be deployed). So that's why they appear that way.

If the IP address is associated with a node, the subnet details page uses the node's type to determine what to show.

To fix this issue, we need to amend the `node_summary` object for each IP address (populated in maasserver/models/ to include whether or not the device has a parent. (In MAAS, a device with a parent represents a container that has been allocated on a deployed machine.) Then in getUsageForIP() we need to use that data to render the description properly.