Comment 8 for bug 1732703

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Robie Basak (racb) wrote :

15:15 <rbasak> roaksoax: in bug 1732703, I'm not sure that test for systemd is reliable. For example immediately after an upgrade from Trusty to Xenial, before a reboot, /sbin/init will be systemd but the running init system will be upstart.
15:15 <ubottu> bug 1732703 in MAAS 1.9 "MAAS does not detect properly if Ubuntu is using upstart/systemd" [Critical,In progress]
15:16 <rbasak> roaksoax: AFAICT, the "correct" way to test for systemd is its process name or something, but I can't find a good reference.
15:16 <rbasak> roaksoax: so I'm not really sure what is correct. I'll happily accept whatever a systemd-type person here says.
15:16 <cjwatson> There should be something in one of the init script layers
15:17 <cjwatson> /lib/lsb/init-functions.d/40-systemd
15:17 <cjwatson> if [ -d /run/systemd/system ]; then
15:17 <rbasak> Ah
15:17 <cjwatson> I believe that's the canonical method
15:17 <rbasak> I recalled something about something in /run but was unable to find it.
15:18 <rbasak> Thanks
15:18 <cjwatson> rbasak: Found the documentation for that - sd_booted(3)
15:19 <cjwatson> under NOTES