Comment 1 for bug 1592246

Revision history for this message
Newell Jensen (newell-jensen) wrote :


I was unable to reproduce what you were seeing. Here are the steps that I performed.


1. Created two separate VMs (one for the region controller and one for the rack controller).

2. Installed region controller on region VM:

$ sudo apt install maas-cli maas-region-controller

3. Created superuser to login into MAAS UI on region VM.

4. Installed rack controller on the rack VM:

$ sudo apt install maas-rack-controller

5. Registered the rack on the rack VM using the url and secret of the region:

$ sudo maas-rack register --url http://.../MAAS --secret ...

In the MAAS UI there are two controllers and they have the hostnames of the VMs.

If your steps were different than the above can you please provide them so we can try and reproduce the issue?

The above steps were performed with MAAS Version 2.0.0 (beta7+bzr5112)