Comment 56 for bug 709245

Revision history for this message
Emeric Vigier (emeric-vigier) wrote :

1. Here I booted Android without RJ45 cable plugged. I issued:
# cat /sys/kernel/debug/usb/usbmon/1u > /sdcard/1.mon.out.11

2. Then I plugged in the cable, got an IP address through DHCP:
(panda) # netcfg eth0 dhcp
eth0 UP 0x00001043 42:82:7e:fd:d9:71

3. Then I started a TX using nc command:
(panda) # nc -l -p 1032 < /dev/zero &
(desktop-pc) $ nc 1032 > /dev/null
(desktop-pc) $ sudo nethogs
nc eth0 0.486 12.532 KB/sec
Speed is very poor.

4. I wait for netdev watchdog to bark and stopped the nc on desktop-pc side. Then killed the nc on panda side. And eventually ctrl'ed-C the usbmon dump.

On my dmesg, you can see the slow path occurring after TX struggled for a while:

The usbmon trace on bus 1:

My usb connected devices:

Thanks for your kind support,