libqalculate 2.0.0

After a month of hard work, Qalculate! version 2.0 is ready with removal of glib and cln dependencies from the library, a redesigned expression entry and keypad in the GUI, and a new feature complete Windows version.

Milestone information

Peter J. Mello
Release registered:
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Total downloads: 7

Release notes 

After a month of hard work, Qalculate! version 2.0 is ready with removal of glib and cln dependencies from the library, a redesigned expression entry and keypad in the GUI, and a new feature complete Windows version.


View the full changelog

List of main changes:
 * CLN has been replaced with GMP and MPFR for low-level numerical calculations.
 * The Glib dependancy has been removed. It has partly been replaced with libiconv and icu. Libqalculate can be compiled without them and libiconv is only used the CLI application.
 * GVFS and wget have been replaced by libcurl for exchange rates retrieval.
 * Date functions have been rewritten and now support much larger numbers.
 * Trigonometric functions with angle unit other than radians have been fixed.
 * Functions with more than one argument can now also be applied to the RPN stack.
 * New functions: airy(), arg(), besselj(), bessely(), conj(), digamma(), erf(), erfc()
 * Binary installer for Microsoft Windows.
 * Increased efficiency and many minor enhancements and bug fixes.

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