Comment 18 for bug 1271144

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Andreas Hasenack (ahasenack) wrote :

<ahasenack> hazmat: remember the br0 not coming up bug on the bootstrap node? There were two cloud-init configs involved, right? Because br0 does get up in services deployed to new machines, just not in the bootstrap one
<ahasenack> hinting that the one used for bootstrap is different than the rest
<ahasenack> there was a long discussion here in the channel when that was first filed
<hazmat> ahasenack, yes.. there was.. i thought it was addressed with 1.17.5
<ahasenack> hazmat: nope, still happening
<hazmat> ahasenack, nutshell was on bootstrap node previously bridge-utils wasn't installed because of a divergent code path for bootstrap when constructing cloud-init
<ahasenack> hazmat: in my case, a simple 'apt-get update' just before 'apt-get install bridge-utils' worked
<ahasenack> hazmat: so the fix was to just add "apt-get install bridge-utils" in bootstrap's cloud-init?
<hazmat> ahasenack, ah.. the package is old..
<ahasenack> hazmat: right
<ahasenack> hazmat: I think it was assumed that apt_update: was set to True in cloud-init
<ahasenack> hazmat: which it might as well be, but not for bootstrap's cloud-init