Comment 6 for bug 1089289

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Jeff Lane  (bladernr) wrote :

I can reliably create this in EC2 with the quantum-gateway charm:

ubuntu@ip-10-0-0-14:~$ juju status quantum-gateway
environment: amazon
    agent-state: started
    agent-version: 1.16.0
    instance-id: i-cfa5c3a8
    instance-state: running
    series: precise
    hardware: arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 cpu-power=100 mem=1740M root-disk=8192M
    charm: cs:precise/quantum-gateway-7
    exposed: false
      - rabbitmq-server
      - quantum-gateway
      - nova-cloud-controller
      - mysql
        agent-state: down
        agent-state-info: (installed)
        agent-version: 1.16.0
        life: dying
        machine: "14"

so I did this:

juju deploy --config $YAML quantum-gateway
juju add-relation quantum-gateway mysql
juju add-relation quantum-gateway nova-cloud-controller
juju add-relation quantum-gateway rabbitmq-server

my yaml file has this for quantum-gateway:
  openstack-origin: cloud:precise-grizzly/updates
  ext-port: 'eth0'

and with this, every time I try to deploy quantum-gateway, the instance spins up then the EC2 dashboard shows it failing the second check (the 2nd check is connectivity after booting).

I am unable to contact this node at all, via juju ssh, direct ssh, or any other means, so I'm thinking something in the charm may be re-writing the network config, but that's really just a guess as I can't access the node to check the logs to see what happens.