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intltool has 3 active reviews. See all merge proposals.

intltool has 12 active branches owned by 9 people and 1 team. There were 0 commits in the last month.

Bazaar branches

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
Series: trunk
bug 1 Development 2017-05-23 04:16:45 UTC
748. Avoid a race where some processes try...

Author: Данило Шеган
Revision Date: 2017-05-23 04:14:58 UTC

Avoid a race where some processes try to use a partial cache file that is still being written to.
Note that we release the lock before load_cache, because if we got the lock, the cache is already completely written and it is OK to have multiple parallel readers

Without this patch, translation files would randomly miss translations for some or all languages.

Bug #1687644: load_cache race (fix by Bernhard M. Wiedemann).

lp:~danbnicholson/intltool/intltool bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2021-07-28 18:54:35 UTC
749. Remove cache lock file in mostlyclean...

Author: Dan Nicholson
Revision Date: 2021-07-28 18:44:20 UTC

Remove cache lock file in mostlyclean

In revision 748 a cache lock file was added to fix issues with
concurrent access to the cache file. This leaves behind the lock file,
which is required so flock can operate on a consistent inode.
Unfortunately, it breaks make distcheck that expects all generated files
to be deleted.

Delete the lock file when the cache file is deleted in mostlyclean. At
that point make will no longer be starting any intltool-merge processes.

lp:~invidian/intltool/fix-dangling-lock-file (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2021-04-08 17:34:22 UTC
749. remove lock file a...

Author: Mateusz Gozdek
Revision Date: 2021-04-08 17:34:22 UTC remove lock file after locking

lp:~dobey/intltool/regex-fix bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2016-01-19 16:00:48 UTC
748. Fix regular expressions to avoid warn...

Author: Dominique Leuenberger aka DimStar
Revision Date: 2016-01-19 15:59:38 UTC

Fix regular expressions to avoid warnings in perl 5.22.

lp:~rastersoft-gmail/intltool/intltool bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2014-08-30 23:25:18 UTC
738. Merged code

Author: Sergio Costas
Revision Date: 2014-08-30 23:25:18 UTC

Merged code

lp:~azmeuk/intltool/xmlfix bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-10-16 10:12:45 UTC
743. Fixes XML special chars bug.

Author: Eloi Rivard
Revision Date: 2013-10-16 10:12:23 UTC

Fixes XML special chars bug.

lp:~hiberis/intltool/bug-904647 bug 1 Development 2012-03-06 11:06:46 UTC
735. Rewrite intltool.m4 to allow configur...

Author: Hib Eris
Revision Date: 2012-03-06 11:02:29 UTC

Rewrite intltool.m4 to allow configuring with '--disable-nls'

This allows packages using intltool for native language support
to be compiled without it by specifying the '--disable-nls'
option to 'configure'.

In case native language support is disabled, the package can
be compiled without intltool installed.

You can also use '--enable-nls=try' as a 'configure' option,
which will disable native language support when intltool is
not installed.

lp:~danilo/intltool/bug-705420 bug 1 Development 2011-10-08 15:33:22 UTC
726. Remove gtkbuilder files from makefile...

Author: Данило Шеган
Revision Date: 2011-10-08 15:32:02 UTC

Remove gtkbuilder files from makefiles as well.

lp:~enselic/intltool/builddir-skip-files 1 Development 2011-03-10 19:44:03 UTC This branch has not been pushed to yet.
lp:~danilo/intltool/generic-text-files 1 Development 2010-08-17 14:25:41 UTC
724. Add merging support for quotedprintable.

Author: Данило Шеган
Revision Date: 2010-08-17 14:25:41 UTC

Add merging support for quotedprintable.

lp:~lool/intltool/lp-381347-gtkbuilder-support bug 1 Development 2009-05-28 15:57:04 UTC
695. Set type to gettext/glade for .ui and...

Author: Loïc Minier
Revision Date: 2009-05-28 15:55:13 UTC

Set type to gettext/glade for .ui and files; LP: #381347.

lp:~danilo/intltool/intltool-xmlcat 1 Development 2009-04-10 02:06:04 UTC
691. Implement xmlcat support for intltool.

Author: Данило Шеган
Revision Date: 2009-04-10 02:05:51 UTC

Implement xmlcat support for intltool.

112 of 12 results
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