inotify-java 2.0

Milestone information

Nick Bargnesi
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download icon inotify-java-2.0-bin-x86.tbz2 (md5, sig) 2.0 Binary for Linux (x86) 46
last downloaded 50 weeks ago
download icon inotify-java-2.0-bin-x86_64.tbz2 (md5, sig) 2.0 Binary for Linux (x86_64) 49
last downloaded 50 weeks ago
download icon inotify-java-2.0-source.tbz2 (md5, sig) 2.0 Source Package 71
last downloaded 50 weeks ago
Total downloads: 166

Release notes 

The second release of inotify-java bridges the gap in filesystem notification on Linux and the Java platform. The library is tailored towards use in demanding environments (heavy I/O), has no third-party dependencies, and is both extensible and lightweight.


View the full changelog

2010-01-06 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Declare add/remove watch methods as public, as was intended.

2010-01-06 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Bug #503359: removed AWT native interface include.

2009-12-11 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>


2009-12-11 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 These modifications should have been included in the last revision.

2009-12-11 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Rework load testing capabilities to sufficiently pummel the system with events.

2009-12-11 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Remove a sysout.

2009-12-11 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Fix arrival statistics and date formatting. Improve the setting of contextual
 names by using concat methods.

2009-12-11 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Adding a Natural Docs stylesheet, to match the Javadoc style.

2009-12-09 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Load test updates, one bug fix.

2009-12-09 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Adding load test utilities.

2009-12-09 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Unit tests and bug fixes.

2009-12-09 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 The javadoc stylesheet.

2009-12-09 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Documentation updates, build flags, and build tweaks, in preparation for 2.0

2009-12-08 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Initial test stubs for Inotify and MonitorService.

2009-12-08 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 More bits of documentation.

2009-12-08 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Refactoring, documentation.

2009-12-08 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Adding bits of missing documentation.

2009-12-02 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Incorporating statistical calculations.

2009-12-02 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Monitor service updates.

2009-09-25 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Adding a service-centric interface to inotify.

2009-09-16 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Documentation updates.

2009-09-16 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Use user watch limit exceptions as causes for inotify exceptions thrown on
 add_watch invocations. Provide cause constructors in InotifyException to
 eliminate the need for calls to initCause().

2009-09-16 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Throw user watch limit exceptions from JNI add_watch.

2009-08-05 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Daemonize the thread that services the inotify queue.

2009-07-28 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Improve toString(), including more consistency.

2009-07-28 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Change the generated JNI header to jni-header.h.

2009-07-23 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Adding 256 color support to tutorial class, from terminals.

2009-07-23 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Adding a tutorial, which will 'interact' with the user, demoing the provided

2009-07-23 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Change main class to 'Tutorial'.

2009-07-23 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Adding a native inotify subclass, Inotify, in equivalent functionality to what
 the inotify API provides including two important pieces of functionality.

2009-07-23 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Documentation updates only.

2009-07-23 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Refactor fileDescriptor -> watchDescriptor and correct use.

2009-07-23 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Include method to return bitwise or of mask values.

2009-07-23 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>


2009-07-22 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Modify toString override to better dispaly event data contents.

2009-07-14 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Bug and documentation fix for the Watcher class, starting migration of Main
 class to demo class.

2009-07-14 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Added TODO to handle exceptions created calling into Java from JNI.

2009-07-11 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Documentation, reformatting.

2009-07-11 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Added assert.h, migrate return outside of switch.

2009-07-11 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Adding a thread-safe source annotation, for describing thread-safe code,
 retained on source only.

2009-07-08 Nick Bargnesi <email address hidden>

 Initial import.

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