Comment 5 for bug 168316

Revision history for this message
Michael Wybrow (mjwybrow) wrote :

Originator: NO

Okay. Not sure we can actually fix this one. The problem comes from the
fact that if you create directories on OS X with a forward slash in them,
then the forward slashes are actually stored as colons.
So change into a directory I created in Finder as "One / Two" inside the
Applications folder I would do:
cd /Applications/One\ \:\ Two/

The colons become a problem for environment variables that are colon
separated lists, such as DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH which we use to tell Inkscape
where to find all it's libraries. I've tried all kinds of escaping the
colon (doing :: \: etc) but can't get it to work.

I think out best bet is make the launcher noticce this case and show an
error message to the user, alerting then to the problem and tell them to
place Inkscape in a directory without forward slashes.