Granite 0.3 "Isis beta1"

First release in the Isis-targeting 0.3 series. Deprecates a lot of widgets that are implemented upstream in GTK 3.12 and introduces a new DynamicNotebook API, hence an ABI break.

Milestone information

Code name:
Isis beta1
Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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4 Cody Garver, 1 Danielle Foré, 1 David Gomes, 4 Niclas Lockner, 1 Olivier Duchateau, 4 Victor Martinez
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
17 Fix Released

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Release notes 

First release in the Isis-targeting 0.3 series. Deprecates a lot of widgets that are implemented upstream in GTK 3.12 and introduces a new DynamicNotebook API, hence an ABI break.


View the full changelog

- Switch to gee-0.8
- Migrate Granite.DatePicker from Granite.PopOver to Gtk.PopOver
- Bump GTK requirement to 3.12 as a result
- Deprecate Granite.StatusBar in favor of Gtk.ActionBar
- Right-align source list badges. Fixes lp:1315213
- Deprecate DecoratedWindow and LightWindow to fix bug #1293284
- Deprecate HintedEntry and SearchBar because GTK has those since 3.6
- Style class: Change "granite-overlay-bar" to "overlay-bar". Fixes lp:1309713
- Documentation improvements
- Added screenshots for most widgets in documentation
- Close button now has a translatable label
- Initialize the about_* arrays as empty string arrays so that they never have null as value.
- ThinPaned: make sure the handle follows the cursor position when using client-side decorations. Fixes lp:1302314
- Only show close buttons for active or hovered tabs. Fixes lp:1205236
- datepicker: Fix typo, luckily vala seems to correct it automagically
- New TimePicker Widget, new DateTime util
- Add support for multiarch
- Changed recently closed tab icon to document-open-recent-symbolic to fix bug #1277769
- Moved all the Pantheon Terminal TabBarBehavior code to Granite.DynamicNotebook, fixing bug #1264565.
- Made the add button absorb double-clicks.
- Implemented a new DN API which will introduce better functionality in terms of tab dragging, tab moving and tab organization, but also bring ABI breaks to apps written against the old API.
- Replaced the existing tab_added/tab_removed with signals that better match the functionality of Gtk.Notebook's page_added and page_removed. The signals new_tab_requested and close_tab_requested are now used to add and close tabs.
- Bump library soname due ABI breaks
- Tab objects are now always created outside DynamicNotebook, i.e. in the application that uses the notebook.
- Splitted the tab_moved signal into the signals tab_reordered and tab_moved.
- Implemented a settable upper limit of how many tabs to save when the restore tabs feature is enabled. The Granite Demo is extended to demonstrate this feature.
- Replace icon names deprecated by Gtk 3.10

0 blueprints and 17 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1181657 #1181657 [DynamicNotebook] The name of "tab_removed" signal is misleading 3 High Niclas Lockner  10 Fix Released
1302314 #1302314 ThinPaned's handle doesn't follow cursor when resizing 3 High Victor Martinez  10 Fix Released
1000974 #1000974 no "about_"-array results in "assertion `str_array != NULL' failed" 4 Medium Niclas Lockner  10 Fix Released
1066578 #1066578 DynamicNotebook emits no signal for tabs moved between notebooks. 4 Medium Niclas Lockner  10 Fix Released
1170414 #1170414 signal on clicking add button in DynamicNotebook 4 Medium Niclas Lockner  10 Fix Released
1252518 #1252518 Deprecate Granite.AppMenu for Gtk.MenuButton 4 Medium Cody Garver  10 Fix Released
1270091 #1270091 Switch to gee-0.8 4 Medium Olivier Duchateau  10 Fix Released
1293284 #1293284 Deprecate LightWIndow 4 Medium Cody Garver  10 Fix Released
1303132 #1303132 update application-menu icon to work on dark toolbars 4 Medium Danielle Foré  10 Fix Released
1306282 #1306282 Replace granite.statusbar with gtk.actionbar 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1222497 #1222497 change .files-overlay-bar 5 Low   10 Fix Released
1232569 #1232569 deprecate static notebook 5 Low Cody Garver  10 Fix Released
1264565 #1264565 Tab Bar Visibility 5 Low David Gomes  10 Fix Released
1309713 #1309713 change "granite-overlay-bar" to "overlay-bar" 5 Low Victor Martinez  10 Fix Released
1315213 #1315213 SourceList badges are misaligned 5 Low Victor Martinez  10 Fix Released
1205236 #1205236 Only show close buttons for active or hovered tabs 6 Wishlist Victor Martinez  10 Fix Released
1277769 #1277769 change tabbar closed tabs icon to recent documents icon 6 Wishlist Cody Garver  10 Fix Released
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