Comment 1 for bug 684275

Revision history for this message
Didier Roche-Tolomelli (didrocks) wrote :

Ok, so, here is some things that needs to be fixed from the current package:

* 0.2.3-0ubuntu1-1 isn't a good versionning (should have two - as it's only the latest one which is taken). It should be 0.2.3-0ubuntu1.

* looking at how you handle conffilles in 0.2.3-0ubuntu2, it's not the right way to do that for various reason. A good reference is to look at
I strongly recommend looking at "Warning: since dpkg this can be done using dpkg-maintscript-helper (see its man page for details). Please use that tool instead of copy/pasting yet another version of this snippet in the Debian archive." (we have this version of dpkg now).
However you'll need to add this to debian/control to the binary package: Pre-Depends: dpkg (>=
to ensure people upgrading from lucid to next LTS get the right dpkg version configured on their new system before it tries to handles that package (lucid does have an earlier dpkg version).

* debian/copyright: the format changed slightly, please refer to libunity package ( to have the latest syntax. In addition, it referts to LGPL-3 whereas the package is GPL-3.

* debian/rules is weird and the debian/ginn.install is weird. You are installing in debian/tmp, then listing all the file and check that you listed all the files. You don't need that as you only have one package. So removing the .install file, the overrides in debian/rules will achieve exactly the same in an automagic manner.

* debian/control: please add the Vcs-Bzr tag. In addition to this (but that will be as well for all utouch packages), we try to set bzr right according to upload privilege. This mean that a core dev (as it will be in main in the future), can't update the packaging branch.
For instance, in unity and other gnome components, we have it in the ~ubuntu-desktop team where all core-devs are part. Similar thing with compiz and ~compiz team. Maybe you should do a utouch-packagers team so that core dev can commit there?

Otherwise, the remaining part looks fine :)