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2123 of 23 releases

0.3.0 release from the 0.3.0 series released

File Description Downloads
download icon exaile-0.3.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) Exaile 0.3.0 release tarball 4,982
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
Total downloads: 4,982

0.3.0b1 release from the 0.3.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

We’ve been busy the last month. Hundreds of commits, bug fixes, features tweaked, and we’re finally at our first beta for 0.3.

Some of the new things are:
    * New rating widget for popup menus that makes for easier rating
    * Minimode plugin is back
    * Simple track editor
    * Podcast Plugin
    * Device Panel tweaks, iPod plugin is working again, as well as the CD playback plugin.
    * Improved Queue Manager
    * Context info panel plugin
    * Limited migration from 0.2.14. Requires python-sqlite if you are using a version of python less than 2.5.

There are a lot of little tweaks and changes, and, as usual, lots of bugfixes.

File Description Downloads
download icon exaile-0.2.999.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) Exaile 0.3.0 Beta 1 141
last downloaded 12 weeks ago
Total downloads: 141

0.3.0a3 release from the 0.3.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

This should be our last alpha for 0.3.0, and it is as always better than ever! A quick overview of what’s new:

    * An experimental playback engine, Unified, has been added and brings support for gapless and crossfading. It is still buggy however, and must be enabled manually in the preferences
    * Improved tab management – middle click a tab to close it, middle click an empty spot on the tab bar to create a new tab
    * New playlists are now given distinct names – Playlist 1, Playlist 2, etc.
    * Initial support for migrating 0.2.14 collections to 0.3.0
    * A new icon set and splashscreen
    * Improved tray icon
    * Plugins for replaygain, librivox, and notifyosd
    * Literally hundreds of bugfixes!

Note that this release changes the music db format, so if you are upgradi...

File Description Downloads
download icon exaile-0.3.0a3.tar.gz (md5, sig) Exaile 0.3.0 alpha 3 160
last downloaded 12 weeks ago
Total downloads: 160

2123 of 23 releases