EOEC 0.1.1

A bugfix, a new example and a few improvements.

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Daniel Darabos
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download icon EuroOffice Extension Creator 0.1.1.zip (md5) EOEC SDK and three examples (Python source files and installable OXT files) 94
last downloaded 3 days ago
Total downloads: 94

Release notes 

A new example was added. Merriam-Webster Dictionary allows you to look up a word in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary. The word is taken from the document based on the cursor position. The example show how to do a few operations on documents, how to create an interactive dialog and how to integrate a web-based service.


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Fixed a bug in extensioncore.py updating methods, but not the unbound methods of classes. Updating works reliably now.

Added two new utility libraries, "writer.py" and "web.py". If you use web.py, you have to bundle BeautifulSoup with your extension. (See the Merriam-Webster Dictionary for an example).

A new example was added. Merriam-Webster Dictionary allows you to look up a word in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary. The word is taken from the document based on the cursor position. The example show how to do a few operations on documents, how to create an interactive dialog and how to integrate a web-based service.

Extension and vendor names can now contain dashes, underscores, dots and commas. Some or all of these characters might cause problems in some parts of the extension or OpenOffice.org, so we have to remove them for certain uses. (That is why we do not have a general solution for allowing any character at all.)

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