Duplicity 0.8.14

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Kenneth Loafman
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3 Fix Released

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Release notes 

New in v0.8.14 (2020/07/04)
* Fixes for rclonebackend from Francesco Magno (original author)
  - copy command has been replaced with copyto, that is a specialized
    version for single file operation. Performance-wise, we don't have
    to include a single file in the local side directory, and we don't
    have to list all the files in the remote to check what to syncronize.
    Additionally, we don't have to mess up with renaming because the
    copy command didn't support changing filename during transfer
    (because was oriented to transfer whole directories).
  - delete command has been replaced with deletefile. Same here, we
    have a specialized command for single file operation. Much more efficient.
  - ls command has been replaced with lsf, that is a specialized version
    that returns only filenames. Since duplicity needs only those, less
    bytes to transfer, and less parsing to do.
  - lastly, I have reintroduced a custom subprocess function because the one
    inherithed from base class is checked, and throws an exception in case of
    non zero return code. The ls command family returns a non zero value if
    the directory does not exist in the remote, so starting a new backup
    in a non existent directory is impossible at the moment because ls fails
    repeatedly until duplicity gives up. This is a bug in the current implementation.
    There is the same problem (but less severe) in _get method, using the default
    self.subprocess_popen a non zero return code will throw an exception before we
    can cleanup the partially downloaded file, if any.
* Fixed bug #1875937 - validate_encryption_settings() fails w/S3 glacier
  - Skip validation with a warning if S3 glacier or deep storage specified
* Patched in a megav2backend.py to update to MEGAcmd tools.
  - Author: Jose L. Domingo Lopez <github@24x7linux.com>
  - Man pages, docs, etc. were included.
* More fixes for bug #1877885 - Catch quota overflow on Mega upload.
* Merged in jmakovicka:master - Support PyDrive2 library in the pydrive backend
  - Unlike PyDrive, the PyDrive2 fork is actively maintained.
* Merged in mikix:mikix/rename-fix - Fix --rename encoding
  - The --rename argument wasn't working because its arguments were coming in and
    being saved as unicode. But then compared against bytestring index path parts.
  - This MR fixes that by saving the rename pieces as bytestrings up front.
* Fixes for issue #7, par2backend produces badly encoded filenames.
* Set deprecation version to 0.9.0 for short filenames.


View the full changelog

2020-07-04 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Prep for 0.8.14

2020-06-30 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixes for issue #7, par2backend produces badly encoded filenames.

2020-06-19 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Merged in mikix:mikix/rename-fix - Fix --rename encoding
      - The --rename argument wasn't working because its arguments were coming in and
        being saved as unicode. But then compared against bytestring index path parts.
      - This MR fixes that by saving the rename pieces as bytestrings up front.

2020-06-13 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Merged in jmakovicka:master - Support PyDrive2 library in the pydrive backend
      - Unlike PyDrive, the PyDrive2 fork is actively maintained.

2020-05-31 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * More fixes for bug #1877885 - Catch quota overflow on Mega upload.

2020-05-24 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1875937 - validate_encryption_settings() fails w/S3 glacier
      - Skip validation with a warning if S3 glacier or deep storage specified
    * Patched in a megav2backend.py to update to MEGAcmd tools.
      - Author: Jose L. Domingo Lopez <github@24x7linux.com>
      - Man pages, docs, etc. were included.

2020-05-20 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixes for rclonebackend from Francesco Magno (original author)
      - copy command has been replaced with copyto, that is a specialized
        version for single file operation. Performance-wise, we don't have
        to include a single file in the local side directory, and we don't
        have to list all the files in the remote to check what to syncronize.
        Additionally, we don't have to mess up with renaming because the
        copy command didn't support changing filename during transfer
        (because was oriented to transfer whole directories).
      - delete command has been replaced with deletefile. Same here, we
        have a specialized command for single file operation. Much more efficient.
      - ls command has been replaced with lsf, that is a specialized version
        that returns only filenames. Since duplicity needs only those, less
        bytes to transfer, and less parsing to do.
      - lastly, I have reintroduced a custom subprocess function because the one
        inherithed from base class is checked, and throws an exception in case of
        non zero return code. The ls command family returns a non zero value if
        the directory does not exist in the remote, so starting a new backup
        in a non existent directory is impossible at the moment because ls fails
        repeatedly until duplicity gives up. This is a bug in the current implementation.
        There is the same problem (but less severe) in _get method, using the default
        self.subprocess_popen a non zero return code will throw an exception before we
        can cleanup the partially downloaded file, if any.

0 blueprints and 3 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1879395 #1879395 Failing build so no PPA release 3 High   10 Fix Released
1875937 #1875937 Download of vol1 in validate_encryption_settings() fails when using S3 glacier 5 Low   10 Fix Released
1877885 #1877885 New MEGA.nz backend based on official "MEGAcmd" tools (patch attached) 5 Low   10 Fix Released
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