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1120 of 64 releases

0.8.19 release from the 0.8 series released

Release information
Release notes:

## rel.0.8.19 (2021-04-29)

### New

* Merge branch 'google-drive-v3' into 'master' [Kenneth Loafman]

    Add a new Google Drive backend (gdrive:)

    See merge request duplicity/duplicity!41

### Changes

* Remove installs common between before\_script: and script: [Kenneth Loafman]

* Remove installs common between before\_script: and script: [Kenneth Loafman]

### Fix

* Gdata module passes on py27 only. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Util.uexec() will return u'' if no err msg in e.args. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Util.uexec() should check for e==None on entry. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fix bug #1547458 - more consistent passphrase prompt. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fixes bug #1454136 - SX backend issues. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fixes bug 1918981 - option to skip trash on delete on mediafire. [Kenneth Loafman]

File Description Downloads
download icon duplicity-0.8.19.tar.gz (md5, sig) duplicity tarball 2,300
last downloaded 24 hours ago
Total downloads: 2,300

0.8.18 release from the 0.8 series released

Release information

## rel.0.8.18 (2021-01-09)

* Merge branch 'onedrive-token' into 'master' [Kenneth Loafman]

* Onedrive: Support using an external client id / refresh token. [Michael Terry]

* Update .gitlab-ci.yml to need code test to pass. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Merge branch 'master' of <email address hidden>:duplicity/duplicity.git. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fix issue #26 Backend b2 backblaze fails with nameprefix restrictions. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fix issue #29 Backend b2 backblaze fails with nameprefix restrictions. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fix unadorned strings. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Merge branch 'Rufflewind-master-patch-11811' into 'master' [Kenneth Loafman]

* Report errors if B2 backend does exist but otherwise fails to import. [Phil Ruffwind]

* Add report.xml. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Remove basepython in code and coverage tests. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fix pep8 warning. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Added option --log-timestamp to prepend timestamp to log entry. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Merge branch 'master' of [Kenneth Loafman]

* Merge branch 'master' into 'master' [Kenneth Loafman]

* Improve. [Gwyn Ciesla]

* Change version for LP. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Change version for LP. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Improve patch for Python 3.10. [Gwyn Ciesla]

* Conditionalize for Python version. [Gwyn Ciesla]

* Patch for Python 3.10. [Gwyn Ciesla]

File Description Downloads
download icon duplicity-0.8.18.tar.gz (md5, sig) duplicity tarball 5,292
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
Total downloads: 5,292

0.8.17 release from the 0.8 series released

Release information

## rel.0.8.17 (2020-11-11)

### Other

* Fixup ignore\_regexps for optional text. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fix issue #26 (again) - duplicity does not clean up par2 files. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fix issue #26 - duplicity does not clean up par2 files. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fix issue #25 - Multibackend not deleting files. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Adjust for changelog changes. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Delete previous manual changelogs. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Tools to make a from git commits. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Merge branch 'exc-if-present-robust' into 'master' [Kenneth Loafman]

* Make exclude-if-present more robust. [Michael Terry]

* Merge branch 'no-umask' into 'master' [Kenneth Loafman]

* Drop default umask of 0077. [Michael Terry]

* Comment out RsyncBackendTest, again. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fix some unadorned strings. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fixed RsyncBackendTeest with proper URL. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Merge branch 'Yump-issue-23' into 'master' [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fix issue #23. [Yump]

* Rclonebackend now logs at the same logging level as duplicity. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Allow sign-build to fail on walk away. Need passwordless option. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Merge branch 'fix-rename' into 'master' [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fix --rename typo. [Michael Terry]

* Move back to VM build, not remote. Too many issues with remote. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Merge branch 'escape-quote' into 'master' [Kenneth Loafman]

* Escape single quotes in machine-readable log messages. [Michael Terry]

* Uncomment review-tools for snap. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Whoops, missing wildcard '*'. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Changes to allow remote build of snap on LP. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Changes to allow remote build of snap on LP. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Add a pylint disable-import-error flag. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Change urllib2 to urllib.request in parse\_digest\_challenge(). [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fix Python 3.9 test in .gitlab-ci.yaml. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fix Python 3.9 test in .gitlab-ci.yaml. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Add Python 3.9 to .gitlab-ci.yaml. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Add Python 3.9 to the test suite. It tests sucessfuly. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fix bug #1893481 again for Python2. Missed include. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fix bug #1893481 Error when logging improperly encoded filenames. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Change version for LP. [Kenneth Loafman]

File Description Downloads
download icon duplicity-0.8.17.tar.gz (md5, sig) duplicity tarball 1,622
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,622

0.8.16 release from the 0.8 series released

Release information
Release notes:

New in v0.8.16 (2020/09/29)
* Revert "Merge branch 's3-boto3-region-and-endpoint' into 'master'"
  - It broke existing setups since defaults were not supplied.
* Merged in convert2md - Convert README's to markdown
* Merged in s3-boto3-region-and-endpoint - after fixes.
* Merged in lazy init for Boto3 network connections
* Merged in OutlawPlz:paramiko-progress
* Merged in s3-unfreeze-all


2020-09-29 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Prep for 0.8.16

2020-09-27 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Merged in s3-unfreeze-all

2020-09-25 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Merged in OutlawPlz:paramiko-progress

2020-09-24 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Merged in lazy init for Boto3 network connections

2020-07-31 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Merged in convert2md - Convert README's to markdown
    * Merged in s3-boto3-region-and-endpoint - after fixes.

2020-07-28 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Revert "Merge branch 's3-boto3-region-and-endpoint' into 'master'"
      - It broke existing setups since defaults were not supplied.

File Description Downloads
download icon duplicity-0.8.16.tar.gz (md5, sig) duplicity tarball 1,101
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,101

0.8.15 release from the 0.8 series released

Release information
Release notes:

New in v0.8.15 (2020/07/27)
* Fix bug #1887689 with patch from Matthew Barry
  - Cleanup with Paramiko backend does not remove files due to missing
    filename byte decoding
* Fix bug #1211481 with merge from Raffaele Di Campli
  - Ignores the uid/gid from the archive and keeps the current user's one.
  - Recommended for restoring data to mounted filesystem which do not
    support Unix ownership or when root privileges are not available.
* Fix issue #10 - ppa:duplicity-release-git fails to install on Focal Fossa
  - Set correct version requirements in debian/control.
* Merged in joshAppdev:pydriveshared - Backend for Shared Drives on Google
  - pydrive://<SHARED DRIVE ID>
* Merged in martin-sucha:pydrive-...


2020-07-27 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Prep for 0.8.15

2020-07-24 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Merged in joshAppdev:pydriveshared - Backend for Shared Drives on Google
      - pydrive://<SHARED DRIVE ID>
    * Merged in martin-sucha:pydrive-notfound - Fix missing FileNotUploadedError in pydrive
      - Since dadbe2d2, FileNotUploadedError is not imported anymore, resulting in an
        exception in case some of the files failed to upload. Adding the import back.
    * Merged in hupfdule:s3-boto3-region-and-endpoint - Allow setting s3 region and endpoint
      - This commit introduces the new commandline options --s3-region-name, --s3-endpoint-url
        to specify these parameters. This allows using s3 compatible providers like Scaleway
        or OVH.
      - It is probably useful for Amazon accounts, too, to have more fine grained influence
        on the region to use.

2020-07-23 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fix issue #10 - ppa:duplicity-release-git fails to install on Focal Fossa
      - Set correct version requirements in debian/control.

2020-07-18 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fix bug #1211481 with merge from Raffaele Di Campli
      - Ignores the uid/gid from the archive and keeps the current user's one.
      - Recommended for restoring data to mounted filesystem which do not
        support Unix ownership or when root privileges are not available.

2020-07-16 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fix bug #1887689 with patch from Matthew Barry
      - Cleanup with Paramiko backend does not remove files due to missing
        filename byte decoding

File Description Downloads
download icon duplicity-0.8.15.tar.gz (md5, sig) duplicity tarball 2,100
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
Total downloads: 2,100

0.8.14 release from the 0.8 series released

Release information
Release notes:

New in v0.8.14 (2020/07/04)
* Fixes for rclonebackend from Francesco Magno (original author)
  - copy command has been replaced with copyto, that is a specialized
    version for single file operation. Performance-wise, we don't have
    to include a single file in the local side directory, and we don't
    have to list all the files in the remote to check what to syncronize.
    Additionally, we don't have to mess up with renaming because the
    copy command didn't support changing filename during transfer
    (because was oriented to transfer whole directories).
  - delete command has been replaced with deletefile. Same here, we
    have a specialized command for single file operation. Much more efficient.
  - ls command has been replaced with lsf, that is...


2020-07-04 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Prep for 0.8.14

2020-06-30 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixes for issue #7, par2backend produces badly encoded filenames.

2020-06-19 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Merged in mikix:mikix/rename-fix - Fix --rename encoding
      - The --rename argument wasn't working because its arguments were coming in and
        being saved as unicode. But then compared against bytestring index path parts.
      - This MR fixes that by saving the rename pieces as bytestrings up front.

2020-06-13 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Merged in jmakovicka:master - Support PyDrive2 library in the pydrive backend
      - Unlike PyDrive, the PyDrive2 fork is actively maintained.

2020-05-31 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * More fixes for bug #1877885 - Catch quota overflow on Mega upload.

2020-05-24 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1875937 - validate_encryption_settings() fails w/S3 glacier
      - Skip validation with a warning if S3 glacier or deep storage specified
    * Patched in a to update to MEGAcmd tools.
      - Author: Jose L. Domingo Lopez <>
      - Man pages, docs, etc. were included.

2020-05-20 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixes for rclonebackend from Francesco Magno (original author)
      - copy command has been replaced with copyto, that is a specialized
        version for single file operation. Performance-wise, we don't have
        to include a single file in the local side directory, and we don't
        have to list all the files in the remote to check what to syncronize.
        Additionally, we don't have to mess up with renaming because the
        copy command didn't support changing filename during transfer
        (because was oriented to transfer whole directories).
      - delete command has been replaced with deletefile. Same here, we
        have a specialized command for single file operation. Much more efficient.
      - ls command has been replaced with lsf, that is a specialized version
        that returns only filenames. Since duplicity needs only those, less
        bytes to transfer, and less parsing to do.
      - lastly, I have reintroduced a custom subprocess function because the one
        inherithed from base class is checked, and throws an exception in case of
        non zero return code. The ls command family returns a non zero value if
        the directory does not exist in the remote, so starting a new backup
        in a non existent directory is impossible at the moment because ls fails
        repeatedly until duplicity gives up. This is a bug in the current implementation.
        There is the same problem (but less severe) in _get method, using the default
        self.subprocess_popen a non zero return code will throw an exception before we
        can cleanup the partially downloaded file, if any.

File Description Downloads
download icon duplicity-0.8.14.tar.gz (md5, sig) duplicity tarball 821
last downloaded 26 weeks ago
Total downloads: 821

0.8.13 release from the 0.8 series released

Release information
Release notes:

New in v0.8.13 (2020/05/05)
* Fixed bug #1868414 - timeout parameter not passed to
  BlobService for Azure backend
* Merged in lp:~kenneth-loafman/duplicity/duplicity-pylint
  - Enable additional pylint warnings. Make 1st pass at correction.
  - Renamed globals to config to fix conflict with __builtin__.globals()
  - Resolved conflict between duplicity.config and testing.manual.config
  - Normalized emacs mode line to have encoding:utf8 on all *.py files
* Fixed bug #1869921 - B2 backup resume fails for TypeError
* Fixed bug #1872332 - NameError in
* Fixed bug #1875529 - Support hiding instead o...


2020-05-05 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1876778 - byte/str issues in
    * Fixed bug #1876446 - WebDAV backend creates only tiny or 0 Byte files
    * Prep for 0.8.13

2020-05-04 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1875529 - Support hiding instead of deletin on B2

2020-04-12 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1872332 - NameError in

2020-03-31 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1869921 - B2 backup resume fails for TypeError

2020-03-30 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Merged in lp:~kenneth-loafman/duplicity/duplicity-pylint
      - Enable additional pylint warnings. Make 1st pass at correction.
      - Renamed globals to config to fix conflict with __builtin__.globals()
      - Resolved conflict between duplicity.config and testing.manual.config
      - Normalized emacs mode line to have encoding:utf8 on all *.py files

2020-03-22 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1868414 - timeout parameter not passed to
      BlobService for Azure backend

File Description Downloads
download icon duplicity-0.8.13.tar.gz (md5, sig) duplicity tarball 1,353
last downloaded 21 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,353

0.8.12 release from the 0.8 series released

Release information
Release notes:

New in v0.8.12 (2020/03/19)
* Fixed bug #1865648 - module 'multiprocessing.dummy' has
  no attribute 'cpu_count'.
  - replaced with module psutil for cpu_count() only
  - appears Arch Linux does not support multiprocessing
* Fixed a couple of file history bugs:
  - #1044715 Provide a file history feature
    + removed neutering done between series
  - #1526557 --file-changed does not work
    + fixed str/bytes issue finding filename
* Fixed bug #1755955 - best order is unclear,
  of exclude-if-present and exclude-device-files
  - Removed warning and will now allow these two to
    be in any order. If encountered outside of the
    first two slots, duplicity will silently move
    them to be in the first two slots. Within those
    two slots the order does n...


2020-03-19 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Merged in translation updates
    * Prep for 0.8.12

2020-03-17 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1867742 - TypeError: fsdecode()
      takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
      with PCA backend

2020-03-16 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1867529 - UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii'
      codec can't decode byte 0x85 in position 0:
      ordinal not in range(128) with PCA

2020-03-15 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1867468 - UnboundLocalError (local
      variable 'ch_err' referenced before assignment)

2020-03-14 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1867435 - TypeError: must be str,
      not bytes using PCA backend
    * Fixed bug #1867444 - UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii'
      codec can't decode byte 0x85 in position 0:
      ordinal not in range(128) using PCA backend

2020-03-07 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Cleaned up some setup issues where the man pages
      and snapcraft.yaml were not getting versioned.

2020-03-06 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1755955 - best order is unclear,
      of exclude-if-present and exclude-device-files
      - Removed warning and will now allow these two to
        be in any order. If encountered outside of the
        first two slots, duplicity will silently move
        them to be in the first two slots. Within those
        two slots the order does not matter.
    * Fixed bug #1769267 - [enhancement] please consider
      using rclone as backend.

2020-03-03 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1865648 - module 'multiprocessing.dummy' has
      no attribute 'cpu_count'.
      - replaced with module psutil for cpu_count() only
      - appears Arch Linux does not support multiprocessing
    * Fixed a couple of file history bugs:
      - #1044715 Provide a file history feature
        + removed neutering done between series
      - #1526557 --file-changed does not work
        + fixed str/bytes issue finding filename

File Description Downloads
download icon duplicity- (md5, sig) duplicity tarball 3,009
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
Total downloads: 3,009

0.8.11 release from the 0.8 series released

Release information
Release notes:

New in v0.8.11 (2020/02/24)
* Gave up fighting the fascist version control
  munging on Duplicity now has the
  form, where the last number is the
  bzr revno. Can't do something nice like having
  a dev/fin indicator like 0.8.10dev1558 for dev
  versions and a fin for release or final.
* Enhance to allow install by pip.
* Adjust Dockerfiles to new requirements.
* Fixed bug #1861287 - Removing old backup chains
  fails using pexpect+sftp
* Reworked to build a pip-compatible
  distribution tarball of duplicity.
* Added dist/makepip for convenience.
* Renamed to
* Fixed bug #1860405 - Auth mechanism not supported
  - Added python3-boto3 requirement to snapcraft.yaml
* Fixed bug ...


2020-02-14 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed to work around par2 0.8.1 core dump on short name
    * Merged in translation updates
    * Prep for 0.8.11

2020-02-14 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1857818 - startswith first arg must be bytes
      - use util.fsdecode on filename

2020-02-13 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1863018 - mediafire backend fails on py3
      - Fixed handling of bytes filename in url.

2020-02-12 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1236248 - --extra-clean clobbers old backups
      - Removed --extra-clean, code, and docs
    * Add rclone requirement to snapcraft.yaml

2020-02-10 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1860405 - Auth mechanism not supported
      - Added python3-boto3 requirement to snapcraft.yaml
    * Fixed bug #1862672 - test_log does not respect TMPDIR
      - Patch supplied by Jan Tojnar.

2020-02-06 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Renamed to

2020-02-01 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Reworked to build a pip-compatible
      distribution tarball of duplicity.
    * Added dist/makepip for convenience.

2020-01-29 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Adjust Dockerfiles to new requirements.
    * Fixed bug #1861287 - Removing old backup chains
      fails using pexpect+sftp

2020-01-27 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Enhance to allow install by pip

2020-01-25 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Gave up fighting the fascist version control
      munging on Duplicity now has the
      form, where the last number is the
      bzr revno. Can't do something nice like having
      a dev/fin indicator like 0.8.10dev1558 for dev
      versions and a fin for release or final.

File Description Downloads
download icon duplicity- (md5, sig) duplicity tarball 909
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
Total downloads: 909

0.8.10 release from the 0.8 series released

Release information
Release notes:

New in v0.8.10 (2020/01/23)
* Switched to python3 for snaps.
* Fixed bug #1858713 - paramiko socket.timeout
  - chan.recv() can return bytes or str based on
    the phase of the moon. Make allowances.
* Removed some unneeded includes of gettext
* Fixed bug #1859304 with patch from Arduous
  - Backup and restore do not work on SCP backend
* Move to single-sourceing the package version
  - Rework, dist/makedist, dist/makesnap,
    etc., to get version from duplicity/
  - Drop dist/relfiles. It was problematic.
* Fixed bug #1859877 - syntax warning on python 3.8
* Skip functional/test_selection::TestUnicode if
  python version is less than 3.7.
* Clean up some TODO tasks in testing code.
* Clean up deprecation errors in Python 3.8
* Fixed b...


2020-01-23 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Merged in translation updates
    * Prep for 0.8.10

2020-01-21 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1858207 missing targets in multibackend
      - Made it possible to return default value instead
        of taking a fatal exception on an operation by
        operation approach. The only use case now is for
        multibackend to be able to list all targets and
        report back on the ones that don't work.

2020-01-19 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1858204 - ENODEV should be added to
      list of recognized error stringa

2020-01-17 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Clean up some TODO tasks in testing code.
    * Clean up deprecation errors in Python 3.8

2020-01-16 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Move to single-sourceing the package version
      - Rework, dist/makedist, dist/makesnap,
        etc., to get version from duplicity/
      - Drop dist/relfiles. It was problematic.
    * Fixed bug #1859877 - syntax warning on python 3.8
    * Skip functional/test_selection::TestUnicode if
      python version is less than 3.7.

2020-01-12 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1859304 with patch from Arduous
      - Backup and restore do not work on SCP backend

2020-01-10 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Removed some unneeded includes of gettext

2020-01-09 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Switched to python3 for snaps.
    * Fixed bug #1858713 - paramiko socket.timeout
      - chan.recv() can return bytes or str based on
        the phase of the moon. Make allowances.

File Description Downloads
download icon duplicity-0.8.10fin1558.tar.gz (md5, sig) duplicity tarball 799
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
Total downloads: 799

1120 of 64 releases