Drawers 13.2.1

* New ACTIVE Drawers:
     - This type of drawer acts like a folder view and will launch contents via xdg-open
     - Active Drawers have a folder icon next to title to indicate their type
     - Adding items in Active Drawer ***COPIES FILES ON DISK***
     - Items removed by "Move to Trash" are recoverable from Trash in Nautilus
     - Open folders are actively monitored so changes in directory contents show immediately
     - Quicklist will show 10 most recent items of folder
     - Items can be pinned to the Quicklist
     - Active Drawers can be sorted by Item Modification Time
  * Drawers can save their state (location,sort and pin state) when in individual config mode
  * Added checkbox to Autostart on Login in Preferences
  * Added Pin Window BELOW others
     - Will ignore Unity Show Desktop shortcuts
  * Buttons in drawer are hidden when mouse is not over drawer
  * Added "More Help" button on Help window presented in right-click popup menu
  * Updated Help pages
  * Fixed Drawer Preferences bugs related to icons not found
  * Fixed theme issues when Gtk themes other than Ambiance were used

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Release notes 

  * New ACTIVE Drawers:
     - This type of drawer acts like a folder view and will launch contents via xdg-open
     - Active Drawers have a folder icon next to title to indicate their type
     - Adding items in Active Drawer ***COPIES FILES ON DISK***
     - Items removed by "Move to Trash" are recoverable from Trash in Nautilus
     - Open folders are actively monitored so changes in directory contents show immediately
     - Quicklist will show 10 most recent items of folder
     - Items can be pinned to the Quicklist
     - Active Drawers can be sorted by Item Modification Time
  * Drawers can save their state (location,sort and pin state) when in individual config mode
  * Added checkbox to Autostart on Login in Preferences
  * Added Pin Window BELOW others
     - Will ignore Unity Show Desktop shortcuts
  * Buttons in drawer are hidden when mouse is not over drawer
  * Added "More Help" button on Help window presented in right-click popup menu
  * Updated Help pages
  * Fixed Drawer Preferences bugs related to icons not found
  * Fixed theme issues when Gtk themes other than Ambiance were used


View the full changelog

  * New ACTIVE Drawers:
     - This type of drawer acts like a folder view and will launch contents via xdg-open
     - Active Drawers have a folder icon next to title to indicate their type
     - Adding items in Active Drawer ***COPIES FILES ON DISK***
     - Items removed by "Move to Trash" are recoverable from Trash in Nautilus
     - Open folders are actively monitored so changes in directory contents show immediately
     - Quicklist will show 10 most recent items of folder
     - Items can be pinned to the Quicklist
     - Active Drawers can be sorted by Item Modification Time
  * Drawers can save their state (location,sort and pin state) when in individual config mode
  * Added checkbox to Autostart on Login in Preferences
  * Added Pin Window BELOW others
     - Will ignore Unity Show Desktop shortcuts
  * Buttons in drawer are hidden when mouse is not over drawer
  * Added "More Help" button on Help window presented in right-click popup menu
  * Updated Help pages
  * Fixed Drawer Preferences bugs related to icons not found
  * Fixed theme issues when Gtk themes other than Ambiance were used

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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