Branches for Wheezy

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:debian/wheezy/jaaa 1 Development 2011-03-24 21:05:13 UTC
8. * Provide two desktop files (LP: #417...

Author: Alessio Treglia
Revision Date: 2011-03-24 21:05:13 UTC

* Provide two desktop files (LP: #417422):
  - jaaa-alsa.desktop: Launcher to use Jaaa through ALSA.
  - jaaa-jack.desktop: Launcher to use Jaaa through JACK.
* Improve menu file to achieve the same above.
* Bump Standards.
* Update debian/gbp.conf.
* Rewrite debian/copyright as per DEP-5 rev#173.
* Upstream's Homepage has changed, update debian/{control,watch} files.

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