Branches for Stretch

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:debian/stretch/wheel 1 Development 2015-10-01 19:21:50 UTC
6. * New upstream release. * d/patches/p...

Author: Barry Warsaw
Revision Date: 2015-10-01 19:21:50 UTC

* New upstream release.
* d/patches/python35-support.patch: Removed; applied upstream.
* d/patches/reproducible-whls.diff:
  - Update patch to use $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH instead of $WHEEL_FORCE_TIMESTAMP.
    (Closes: #795942)
  - Use time.gmtime() instead of .localtime() to avoid timezone issues.
    (Closes: #789981)
* d/rules: The test suite requires an installed package, so defer this
  to DEP-8 tests. (Closes: #796520)
* d/tests/control: Add two tests of the package's test suite.
* d/control: Now that the test suite isn't run at package build time,
  remove the Build-Depends on python-pytest and python3-pytest.
* wrap-and-sort

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