Branches for Stretch

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:debian/stretch/dropbear 1 Development 2015-10-03 20:47:33 UTC
25. * New co-maintainer. [ Matt Johnston...

Author: Guilhem Moulin
Revision Date: 2015-10-03 20:47:33 UTC

* New co-maintainer.

[ Matt Johnston ]
* New upstream release. (Closes: #631858, #775222.)

[ Guilhem Moulin ]
* debian/source/format: 3.0 (quilt)
* debian/compat: 9
* debian/control:
  + Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6 (no changes necessary).
  + Add Homepage, Vcs-Git, and Vcs-Browser fields.
* debian/copyright: add machine-readable file.
* Split up package in dropbear-bin (binaries), dropbear-run (init scripts)
  and dropbear-initramfs (initramfs integration). 'dropbear' is now a
  transitional dummy package depending on on dropbear-run and
  dropbear-initramfs. (Closes: #692932.)
* Refactor the package using dh_* tools, including dh_autoreconf. (Closes:
  #689618, #777324, #793006, #793917.)
* Add 'Multi-Arch: foreign' tags.
* dropbear-run:
  + Add a status option to the /etc/init.d script.
  + Pass key files with -r not -d in /etc/init.d script. (Closes: #761143.)
  + Post-installation script: Generate missing ECDSA in addition to RSA and
    DSS host keys. (Closes: #776976.)
* dropbear-initramfs:
  + No longer mark /usr/share/initramfs-tools/conf-hooks.d/dropbear as a
    configuration file, since it violates the Debian Policy Manual section
    10.7.2. (Regression from 2014.64-1.) Instead, move the file to
    /etc/initramfs-tools/conf-hooks.d/dropbear and add a symlink in
  + Delete debian/initramfs/premount-devpts, since /dev/pts in mounted by
    init since initramfs-tools 0.94. (Closes: #632656, #797939.)
  + Auto-generate host keys in the postinstall script, not when runing
    update-initramfs. Pass the '-R' option (via $PKGOPTION_dropbear_OPTION)
    for the old behavior. Also, print fingerprint and ASCII art for
    generated keys (if ssh-keygen is available).
  + Revert ad2fb1c and remove warning about changing host key. Users
    shouldn't be encouraged to use the same keys in the encrypted partition
    and in the initramfs. The proper fix is to use an alternative port or
  + Set ~root to `mktemp -d "$DESTDIR/root-XXXXXX"` to avoid collisions with
    $rootmnt. (Closes: #558115.)
  + Exit gracefully if $IP is 'none' or 'off'. (Closes: #692932.)
  + Start dropbear with flag -s to explicitly disable password logins.
  + Terminate all children before killing dropbear, to avoid stalled SSH
    connections. (Closes: #735203.)
  + Run configure_networking in the foreground. (Closes: #584780, #626181,
  + Bring down interfaces and flush IP routes and addresses before exiting
    the ramdisk, to avoid dirty network configuration in the regular kernel.
    (Closes: #715048, #720987, #720988.) The interfaces considered are
    those matching the $DROPBEAR_IFDOWN shell pattern (default: '*'); the
    special value 'none' keeps all interfaces up and preserves routing
    tables and addresses.

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