Branches for Squeeze

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:debian/squeeze/luma 1 Development 2010-01-19 00:00:00 UTC
6. [ Peter Marschall ] * Patch added: Ma...

Author: phobie
Revision Date: 2010-01-19 00:00:00 UTC

[ Peter Marschall ]
* Patch added: Make addressbook readable. Closes: #562612
* Patch added: Fix errors in schema viewer. Closes: #562614
* Patch added: Improve search. Closes: #562615

[ Per Wawra ]
* New maintainer
* Switched to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format
* Switched patch system from dpatch to quilt
* Updated all patches with DEP-3 compliant headers
* Removed Build-Depends dpatch,
  because the package uses quilt now.
* Removed Build-Depends-Indep python-dev,
  because it is only needed for arch-any packages.
* Removed Build-Depends-Indep python-qt3 and python-ldap,
  because they are needed for running not for building.
* Created a upstream changelog, since upstream does not include it
  in the source but on the webpage.
* Removed Qt-Designer *.ui-Files from binary,
  because upstream already generated *.py files with pyuic.

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