Branches for Jessie

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:debian/jessie/ibus-cangjie 1 Development 2015-05-10 18:00:01 UTC
10. * Backport 2.4 bugfix (Closes: 782453...

Author: ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬)
Revision Date: 2015-05-10 18:00:01 UTC

* Backport 2.4 bugfix (Closes: 782453)
  * A serious usability issue, where we would in some cases suggest
    duplicate characters to the users:

  * A python traceback (in the background, not crashing the engine,
    but which was nevertheless triggering automatic crash catchers):

  * An incorrect translation for Taiwan users:

  * works around another serious usability issue, where the candidate popup
    was misplaced (i.e not at the input cursor, but at the bottom of the
    screen) on some applications, most notably Firefox (which is quite the
    common app)

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