Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:debian/stretch/snort 1 Development 2015-07-05 04:38:30 UTC
39. debian/control: Depend on perl, not p...

Author: Javier Fernández-Sanguino
Revision Date: 2015-06-30 00:54:42 UTC

debian/control: Depend on perl, not perl-modules (Closes: #779126)

lp:debian/snort bug 1 Development 2015-06-30 00:54:42 UTC
39. debian/control: Depend on perl, not p...

Author: Javier Fernández-Sanguino
Revision Date: 2015-06-30 00:54:42 UTC

debian/control: Depend on perl, not perl-modules (Closes: #779126)

lp:debian/jessie/snort 1 Development 2014-10-24 23:04:34 UTC
37. * debian/control: - Add pkg-confi...

Author: Javier Fernández-Sanguino
Revision Date: 2014-10-24 23:04:34 UTC

* debian/control:
   - Add pkg-config in Build-Depends, it provides the PKG_CHECK_MODULES
     macro used in This fixes a FTBFS observed in the
   - Add libzma-dev dependency in Build-Depends as it is used in if available

lp:debian/experimental/snort 1 Development 2012-08-08 22:12:35 UTC
21. * New upstream release, target toward...

Author: Javier Fernández-Sanguino
Revision Date: 2012-08-08 22:12:35 UTC

* New upstream release, target towards experimental due to the current freeze.
* The most relevant change in this release is that support by Snort to
  output directly in a database has been dropped, which means that the
  snort-pgsql and snort-mysql packages are no longer possible. This
  is documented in the NEWS file. Also relevant is that support for
  Prelude is no longer available.
* debian/rules: Update the configuration options to adjust to those used
  in the snort.conf script provided upstream
* debian/patches/fix_upstream_typos: Do typo fixes to more source files
* debian/patches/config: Add more comments in the default configuration
  file, enable at least one output plugin (unified2) and set some
  configurations values as recommended in Jason Weir's "Building a
  Debian\Snort based IDS" available in
* debian/patches/*: Refresh the patches to apply to the new upstream release
* debian/po/*: Refresh all templates since the previous templates for
  database configuration have gone along with the snort database 'flavor'
* debian/snort-common.preinst: Remove the /etc/snort/database.conf on
* debian/snort.preinst: Control output of usermod
* debian/snort-common.{config,templates}:
    - Add code to detect old configuration files with content (which might
      happen on upgrades to 2.9.3 coming from the snort-mysql or snort-pgsql
      packages) and warn the user if they exist.
    - Update the list of valid preprocessors for this release

lp:debian/wheezy/snort 1 Development 2012-08-07 23:53:24 UTC
30. [ Upload target towards Wheezy fixing...

Author: Javier Fernández-Sanguino
Revision Date: 2012-08-07 23:53:24 UTC

[ Upload target towards Wheezy fixing some important bugs
  and substantially improving the information provided on the
  packages to clarify user expectations ]
* Acknowledge previous NMU
* debian/patches/config: Update the patch to:
   - use absolute paths instead of relative paths to point to
     the white list and black list used by the reputation
   - disable the reputation as we do not ship any white/black lists
     by default (which causes it to fail at startup) and also
     because this preprocessor is experimental.

     Both changes fix the bug that prevented the package from being
     configured due to errors when starting up Snort with the
     default configuration (Closes: #677810)

    - Add a comment to /etc/snort/snort.conf documenting for users
      reading the file that preinstalled rules are surely out of date.

* debian/patches/config_disabled_rules: Comment out shellcode rules as these
  have a huge impact in performance unless properly tuned.
* debian/patches/rules: Fix the definition of many SIP rules (defined
  as 'alert ip any any'. These were generating a lot of false positives
  in environment were enabled. Regardless of the change comment out SIP
  rules since they are outdate can generate many false alarms unless
  properly defined. (Closes: #626596, #680303).
* debian/control: Adjust description of snort-rules-default to indicate
  users that the ruleset provided should not be considered up-to-date.
  Encourage users to obtain additional/upgraded rules elsewhere.
* debian/snort-rules-default.README.Debian: Include more information to
  potential users on the issues related to the default ruleset provided
  (and why it is out of date) as well as pointers as to where obtain
  additional rulesets. Some of this information is also in the NEWS file
  but is easy to miss to new users.

lp:debian/squeeze/snort 1 Development 2011-01-22 12:18:03 UTC
20. * debian/snort{,-mysql,-pgsql}.config...

Author: Javier Fernández-Sanguino
Revision Date: 2011-01-22 12:18:03 UTC

* debian/snort{,-mysql,-pgsql}.config: Remove the '-o' from
  DEBIAN_SNORT_OPTIONS that was prepended by the postinst script in
  version on upgrades.
* debian/snort{,-mysql,-pgsql}.prerm: Change /usr/sbin/nessus to /usr/sbin/snort

lp:debian/lenny/snort 2 Mature 2009-09-29 09:29:59 UTC
7. Fix error in call to LogMessage (miss...

Author: Javier Fernández-Sanguino
Revision Date: 2009-03-22 00:16:44 UTC

Fix error in call to LogMessage (missing parameters) which caused a
segfault when fragmented packages were received. This bug was introduced in
the patch to fix CVE-2008-1804. Urgency set to 'high' as in some
circunstances it makes Snort fail to start on startup or die after
working for only a few minutes. Also, this could be used as a DoS
attack against an IDS sensor rendering it useless. (Closes: #503992)

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