Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:debian/stretch/snake4 1 Development 2015-05-25 15:57:17 UTC
10. * New upstream release * debian/patch...

Author: Alexandre Dantas
Revision Date: 2014-08-13 19:16:09 UTC

* New upstream release
* debian/patches:
  - Removed patches incorporated by upstream:
    . 0001-Changed-point-from-xpm.h-to-X11-xpm.h-in-score.c-fil.patch
    . 0002-compiler-warnings-removed-in-score.c.patch
    . 0003-fix-minus-hyphen-in-manpage.patch
    . 0005-make-clean-now-removes-executable.patch
  - Renamed 0006-standard-install-directories.patch to
  - Split old patch 0004-hardening-flags-to-compiler.patch
    into hardening.patch and useless-linkage.patch

lp:debian/jessie/snake4 1 Development 2014-08-13 19:16:09 UTC
10. * New upstream release * debian/patch...

Author: Alexandre Dantas
Revision Date: 2014-08-13 19:16:09 UTC

* New upstream release
* debian/patches:
  - Removed patches incorporated by upstream:
    . 0001-Changed-point-from-xpm.h-to-X11-xpm.h-in-score.c-fil.patch
    . 0002-compiler-warnings-removed-in-score.c.patch
    . 0003-fix-minus-hyphen-in-manpage.patch
    . 0005-make-clean-now-removes-executable.patch
  - Renamed 0006-standard-install-directories.patch to
  - Split old patch 0004-hardening-flags-to-compiler.patch
    into hardening.patch and useless-linkage.patch

lp:debian/snake4 1 Development 2014-08-13 19:16:09 UTC
10. * New upstream release * debian/patch...

Author: Alexandre Dantas
Revision Date: 2014-08-13 19:16:09 UTC

* New upstream release
* debian/patches:
  - Removed patches incorporated by upstream:
    . 0001-Changed-point-from-xpm.h-to-X11-xpm.h-in-score.c-fil.patch
    . 0002-compiler-warnings-removed-in-score.c.patch
    . 0003-fix-minus-hyphen-in-manpage.patch
    . 0005-make-clean-now-removes-executable.patch
  - Renamed 0006-standard-install-directories.patch to
  - Split old patch 0004-hardening-flags-to-compiler.patch
    into hardening.patch and useless-linkage.patch

lp:debian/experimental/snake4 1 Development 2013-04-24 22:45:42 UTC
8. * New mantainer (Closes: #581387) * d...

Author: Alexandre Dantas
Revision Date: 2013-04-24 11:20:30 UTC

* New mantainer (Closes: #581387)
* debian/copyright: complied to the 3.9.4 format
* debhelper compatibility up to 9
* debian/rules: modernized
* debian/control: Standards-Version to 3.9.4

lp:debian/wheezy/snake4 1 Development 2011-09-21 15:43:40 UTC
7. * QA upload, incorporating old packag...

Author: Bernhard R. Link
Revision Date: 2011-09-21 15:43:40 UTC

* QA upload, incorporating old package found on
  from Michael Boegl
* change to format "3.0 (quilt)"
* debhelper compatibility up to 7
* modernize debian/rules
- add build-arch/build-indep
- use dh_install instead of manual cp and heavily patched Makefile
- use dpkg-buildflags
* install default score file
* don't misuse dpkg-statoverride
* Standards-Version to 3.9.2
* add Vcs-*

lp:debian/squeeze/snake4 1 Development 2010-04-22 22:02:20 UTC
6. [Jari Aalto] * Non-maintainer upload....

Author: Tony Mancill
Revision Date: 2010-04-22 22:02:20 UTC

[Jari Aalto]
* Non-maintainer upload.
* debian/control
  - (Build-Depends): update obsolete x-dev to x11proto-core-dev.
    (important RC bug; Closes: #515391).

[tony mancill]
* debian/control
  - Move Homepage field to headers section.
  - Update short description (Closes: #493427)

lp:debian/lenny/snake4 2 Mature 2009-07-15 10:18:18 UTC
5. debian/menu: changed section to Games...

Author: Jose Carlos Medeiros
Revision Date: 2007-11-03 01:29:27 UTC

debian/menu: changed section to Games/Action, thanks to Bill Allombert.
(Closes: #444893)

17 of 7 results