Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:debian/jtreg 1 Development 2015-06-18 18:39:02 UTC
6. * Team upload. * New upstream release...

Author: Emmanuel Bourg
Revision Date: 2015-06-18 18:39:02 UTC

* Team upload.
* New upstream release
  - Refreshed the patches
  - Updated the path of the installed files
* Changed the value of the jtreg-BuildDate attribute in the manifest
  with the date from debian/changelog to make the build reproducible.
* Standards-Version updated to 3.9.6 (no changes)
* Fixed debian/watch
* debian/copyright: Added the missing license shortname

lp:debian/stretch/jtreg 1 Development 2015-06-18 18:39:02 UTC
6. * Team upload. * New upstream release...

Author: Emmanuel Bourg
Revision Date: 2015-06-18 18:39:02 UTC

* Team upload.
* New upstream release
  - Refreshed the patches
  - Updated the path of the installed files
* Changed the value of the jtreg-BuildDate attribute in the manifest
  with the date from debian/changelog to make the build reproducible.
* Standards-Version updated to 3.9.6 (no changes)
* Fixed debian/watch
* debian/copyright: Added the missing license shortname

lp:debian/jessie/jtreg 1 Development 2014-07-09 18:25:55 UTC
5. * Team upload. * New upstream release...

Author: Emmanuel Bourg
Revision Date: 2014-07-09 18:25:55 UTC

* Team upload.
* New upstream release
  - Refreshed the patches
* Replaced JTREG_HOME with JT_HOME in the launcher scripts.
  (Closes: #754276)
* Moved the package to Git
* debian/rules: Fetch the version and the build number provided
  to the Ant script from the version of the package

lp:debian/wheezy/jtreg 1 Development 2011-07-17 09:37:13 UTC
3. [Guillaume Mazoyer] * debian/patches/...

Author: Guillaume Mazoyer
Revision Date: 2011-07-02 07:13:54 UTC

[Guillaume Mazoyer]
* debian/patches/launchers.patch: Fixed typo in a variable name.
* debian/rules: Removed extra spaces and use rm -f instead of ||:.

[tony mancill]
* debian/control: Add Vcs-Svn: field

14 of 4 results