Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:debian/countrycodes 1 Development 2009-07-26 15:48:44 UTC
4. * Maintainer upload, closes: #378646....

Author: Ola Lundqvist
Revision Date: 2006-09-04 06:58:41 UTC

* Maintainer upload, closes: #378646.
* Updated standards version to 3.7.2.
* Updated to debhelper version 4.
* Menu file moved from /usr/lib/menu to /usr/share/menu.
* Now use dh_installman instead of depricated dh_installmanpages.
* Now use dh_* for some of the install targets in debian/rules, like
  menu, copyright and documents.
* Added #DEBHELPER# token to prerm and removed postrm and postinst.
* Merged optimizations from the vnc4 debian/rules file in order to update
  this file to a newer version.
* Added a prefix of countrycodes to all possible files in debian dir.

lp:debian/lenny/countrycodes 2 Mature 2009-07-26 15:48:37 UTC
4. * Maintainer upload, closes: #378646....

Author: Ola Lundqvist
Revision Date: 2006-09-04 06:58:41 UTC

* Maintainer upload, closes: #378646.
* Updated standards version to 3.7.2.
* Updated to debhelper version 4.
* Menu file moved from /usr/lib/menu to /usr/share/menu.
* Now use dh_installman instead of depricated dh_installmanpages.
* Now use dh_* for some of the install targets in debian/rules, like
  menu, copyright and documents.
* Added #DEBHELPER# token to prerm and removed postrm and postinst.
* Merged optimizations from the vnc4 debian/rules file in order to update
  this file to a newer version.
* Added a prefix of countrycodes to all possible files in debian dir.

lp:debian/squeeze/countrycodes 1 Development 2009-07-26 15:43:25 UTC
4. * Maintainer upload, closes: #378646....

Author: Ola Lundqvist
Revision Date: 2006-09-04 06:58:41 UTC

* Maintainer upload, closes: #378646.
* Updated standards version to 3.7.2.
* Updated to debhelper version 4.
* Menu file moved from /usr/lib/menu to /usr/share/menu.
* Now use dh_installman instead of depricated dh_installmanpages.
* Now use dh_* for some of the install targets in debian/rules, like
  menu, copyright and documents.
* Added #DEBHELPER# token to prerm and removed postrm and postinst.
* Merged optimizations from the vnc4 debian/rules file in order to update
  this file to a newer version.
* Added a prefix of countrycodes to all possible files in debian dir.

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