Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:debian/baloo-widgets5 1 Development 2016-05-28 01:24:12 UTC
4. [ Automatic packaging ] * Bump Standa...

Author: Maximiliano Curia
Revision Date: 2016-05-28 01:24:12 UTC

[ Automatic packaging ]
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8
* Update build-deps and deps with the info from cmake

[ Maximiliano Curia ]
* Replace the "Historical name" ddeb-migration by its "Modern, clearer" replacement dbgsym-migration.
* Add upstream metadata (DEP-12)
* debian/control: Update Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Git fields

lp:debian/stretch/baloo-widgets5 1 Development 2016-05-28 01:24:12 UTC
4. [ Automatic packaging ] * Bump Standa...

Author: Maximiliano Curia
Revision Date: 2016-05-28 01:24:12 UTC

[ Automatic packaging ]
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8
* Update build-deps and deps with the info from cmake

[ Maximiliano Curia ]
* Replace the "Historical name" ddeb-migration by its "Modern, clearer" replacement dbgsym-migration.
* Add upstream metadata (DEP-12)
* debian/control: Update Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Git fields

lp:debian/experimental/baloo-widgets5 1 Development 2016-02-01 10:23:04 UTC
3. New upstream release (15.12.0).

Author: Maximiliano Curia
Revision Date: 2016-02-01 10:23:04 UTC

New upstream release (15.12.0).

13 of 3 results