Comment 22 for bug 1853914

Revision history for this message
Cubic PPA (cubic-wizard) wrote :

The following new features and changes have been implemented...

Removed the following steps from the Prepare page:

‣ Identify preseed files.
‣ Identify ISO boot configuration files.

Updated the ISO Kernel tab on the Options page.

‣ Slightly reduced the height of the rows.
‣ Automatically update the Preseed files with the correct vmlinux and
  initrd file names when kernels are changed [existing].
‣ Automatically update the ISO Boot configuration files with the correct
  vmlinux and initrd file names when kernels are changed [existing].
‣ For efficiency, updates to file are now only applied when the user
  leaves the ISO Kernels tab.
‣ TBD: The updates should be stored in the file's undo buffer.

Updated the Preseed tab on the Options page.

‣ Files are listed in a tree in the left pane.
‣ File icons in the tree reflect the file type [to be improved].
‣ Directories can be expanded or collapsed.
‣ Files are synchronized with the file system.
  • Changes made to the file system are immediately reflected in the
    ◦ New files copied into the preseed directory
    ◦ Files moved within the preseed directory
    ◦ Files renamed within the preseed directory
    ◦ Files deleted from the preseed directory
  • Changes made to preseed files in Cubic are immediately reflected in
    the file system:
    ◦ New files copied into the preseed directory
    ◦ Files renamed within the preseed directory
    ◦ Files deleted from the preseed directory
‣ Text files are displayed for editing in the right pane when selected
‣ Text files are immediately saved if changes are made.
‣ Ability to undo and redo edits using <CTRL><Z> and <CTRL><Shift><Z>
‣ Image files are displayed for viewing in the right pane, when selected.
‣ Other files and directories are displayed in the right pane as an icon,
  when selected.
‣ Added dynamic header bar toggle buttons:
  • When a directory is selected, the following header bar buttons are
    ◦ Copy files
    ◦ Create a new file
    ◦ Create a new directory
    ◦ Rename directory
    ◦ Delete directory
  • When a file is selected, the following header bar buttons are
    ◦ Rename file
    ◦ Delete file
‣ Revised layouts for the right pane, for selected header bar toggle
  • New layout of the Create a new file panel.
  • New layout of the Rename file panel.
  • New layout of the Delete file panel.
  • New layout of the Create a new directory panel.
  • New layout of the Rename directory panel.
  • New layout of the Delete directory panel.

Updated the ISO Boot tab on the Options page.

‣ Files are listed in a tree in the left pane.
‣ Supports multiple ISO Boot directories (boot/grub and isolinux).
‣ Ability to view ~all~ ISO Boot files (see dynamic header bar toggle
  buttons below).
‣ File icons in the tree reflect the file type [to be improved].
‣ Directories can be expanded or collapsed.
‣ Files are synchronized with the file system.
  • Changes made to the file system are immediately reflected in the
    ◦ New files copied into the ISO Boot directory
    ◦ Files moved within the ISO Boot directory
    ◦ Files renamed within the ISO Boot directory
    ◦ Files deleted from the ISO Boot directory
  • Changes made to ISO Boot files in Cubic are immediately reflected in
    the file system:
    ◦ New files copied into the ISO Boot directory
    ◦ Files renamed within the ISO Boot directory
    ◦ Files deleted from the ISO Boot directory
‣ Text files are displayed for editing in the right pane when selected
‣ Text files are immediately saved if changes are made.
‣ Ability to undo and redo edits using <CTRL><Z> and <CTRL><Shift><Z>
‣ Image files are displayed for viewing in the right pane, when selected.
‣ Other files and directories are displayed in the right pane as an icon,
  when selected.
‣ Added dynamic header bar toggle buttons:
  • Show all files toggle button
    ◦ Filtered view - only list important files by default [existing]
    ◦ Unfiltered view - list all files
    ◦ Automatically add files to the filtered view when when they are
      created, copied, edited, or renamed in Cubic.
    ◦ New files created, copied, edited, or renamed outside of Cubic are
      only visible in the unfiltered view.
  • When a directory is selected, the following header bar buttons are
    ◦ Copy files
    ◦ Create a new file
    ◦ Create a new directory
    ◦ Rename directory
    ◦ Delete directory
  • When a file is selected, the following header bar buttons are
    ◦ Rename file
    ◦ Delete file
‣ Revised layouts for the right pane, for selected header bar toggle
  • New layout of the Create a new file panel.
  • New layout of the Rename file panel.
  • New layout of the Delete file panel.
  • New layout of the Create a new directory panel.
  • New layout of the Rename directory panel.
  • New layout of the Delete directory panel.
‣ The list of default ISO Boot configurations is updated in cubic.conf`
  to reflect created, copied, edited, or renamed files [exiting;
  not working in the new implementation; needs fixing].

Added a new Preseed Copy page.
‣ Allows copying directories or files into Cubic.
‣ Copied files are immediately are synchronized with the file system.

Added a new ISO Boot Copy page.
‣ Allows copying directories or files into Cubic.
‣ Copied files are immediately are synchronized with the file system.
‣ Copied files are visible in the filtered and unfiltered views.

Removed the following steps from the Generate page:
‣ Copy preseed files.
‣ Copy ISO boot configuration files.
‣ These steps were removed because changes to the preseed files and the
  ISO boot configuration files are immediately saved on the Options page.