Comment 17 for bug 763148

Revision history for this message
Eduards Bezverhijs (mjasnik) wrote :


I have tested this on precise, I've applied patch to current version of compiz, rebuilt packages and installed the following deb files:
sudo dpkg -i compiz_0.9.7.12-0ubuntu1_all.deb compiz-core_0.9.7.12-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb compiz-gnome_0.9.7.12-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb compiz-plugins_0.9.7.12-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb compiz-plugins-default_0.9.7.12-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb

I still see slightly incorrect behavior in case app is fullscreen on external display. So, when I maximize the app on external display, then remove the cable, space shrinks, window stays on the same workspace on primary screen maximized, that is expected and fine, but when I unmaximize it, it moves to the workspace on right, maybe it still thinks there is the space which was available when external display was connected. Maybe smht to do with original window position.

P.S. Really big thanks for the solution, now it at least do not mess up the whole WS when I connect projector or monitor.
P.P.S. As this is my "production" machine, I'll be testing this even more and will post the results.