Comment 12 for bug 1952414

Revision history for this message
Nobuto Murata (nobuto) wrote :

This is easy to trigger with the attached minimized bundle with the following steps.

$ juju deploy ./keystone-ha.yaml && time juju-wait -w --exclude vault

$ juju ssh vault/leader '
    sudo apt install -y jq
    export VAULT_ADDR="http://localhost:8200"
    output="$(vault operator init -key-shares=1 -key-threshold=1 -format json)"

    vault operator unseal "$(echo "$output" | jq -r .unseal_keys_b64[])"

    export VAULT_TOKEN="$(echo "$output" | jq -r .root_token)"
    vault token create -ttl=10m

$ juju run-action --wait vault/leader authorize-charm token="<TOKEN>"

$ juju run-action vault/leader --wait generate-root-ca