Comment 15 for bug 1645798

Revision history for this message
Michi Henning (michihenning) wrote :

> "BFB" is "Big Flavorful Button" ;)

Ah, as in "BFG-9000" :-)

> So, from your screenshot it looks like you are hitting case number 2 from my previous post. Is
> there a crash report in /var/crash/ for the scoperunner?

/var/crash doesn't exist on a snappy machine. I have no idea where core dumps end up. It looks like core dumps are disabled. I can't find any cores anywhere.

> If not, does running "ubuntu-app-launch-appids" on this system show any snap results?

ubuntu-app-launch doesn't exist either.

> Can you attach the unity8-dash.log and scope-registry.log files? Normally they are in
> ~/.cache/upstart/ but not sure where exactly that equates to for the unity8 snap on core.

I'm seeing an unhandled exception from the click scope.

Registry log:

I suspect that the exception isn't coming from one of the threads that we hand to the scope. (We very carefully handle all exceptions that a scope might throw.) It seems more likely that the exception comes from a thread that wasn't created by the scopes run time.

The trail of exceptions from shutdown() is unsurprising because the scopes runtime realises that something isn't right and just logs the error.

unity8-dash log:

There is a line with "results invalidated". Not sure whether that is significant.

Note that no network is present inside the core 16 VM. I don't know how to get that working, and I don't know whether that relates to the crash. I set up the VM following the instructions Kevin posted: