Bazaar 2.1.0rc1 "the 'new' stable"

Final beta for 2.1.

At this point we branch off 2.1 from trunk, and only bugfixes are landed to 2.1 from here on.

Milestone information

Code name:
the 'new' stable
John A Meinel
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
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6 Andrew Bennetts, 1 Guilherme Salgado, 1 Jelmer Vernooij, 1 Joe Julian, 9 John A Meinel, 1 John Whitley, 8 Martin Pool, 2 Neil Martinsen-Burrell, 2 Vincent Ladeuil
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
37 Fix Released

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download icon Bazaar-2.1.0rc1-2-desktop.pkg (md5, sig) bzr 2.1.0rc1-2 Mac OS X 10.6 Installer 328
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon bzr-2.1.0rc1-2-setup.exe (md5, sig) bzr 2.1.0rc1-2 Windows Standalone Installer 1,230
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon bzr-2.1.0rc1-1-setup.exe (md5, sig) bzr 2.1.0rc1-1 Windows Standalone Installer 147
last downloaded 11 days ago
download icon bzr-2.1.0rc1-1.win32-py2.6.exe (md5, sig) bzr 2.1.0rc1-1 python2.6 installer 201
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon bzr-2.1.0rc1-1.win32-py2.5.exe (md5, sig) bzr 2.1.0rc1-1 python2.5 installer 131
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon bzr-2.1.0rc1-1.win32-py2.4.exe (md5, sig) bzr 2.1.0rc1-1 python2.4 installer 133
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon bzr-2.1.0rc1.tar.gz (md5, sig) bzr 2.1.0rc1 source 735
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
Total downloads: 2,905

Release notes 

This is the first stable release candidate for Bazaar's 2.1 series. From this point onwards, the 2.1 series will be considered stable (as the 2.0 series) and only bugfixes are expected to be incorporated. The dozen or so bugfixes in the 2.0.4 release are also included in this release (along with more than 15 more bugfixes). Some of the interesting features are support for per-file merge hooks, ``bzr unshelve --preview``, support for using ! in ignore files to exclude files from being ignored, a small memory leak was squashed, and many ``ObjectNotLocked`` errors were fixed.

This looks to be a very good start for a new stable series.


View the full changelog

bzr 2.1.0rc1

:Codename: the 'new' stable
:2.1.0rc1: 2009-01-21

This is the first stable release candidate for Bazaar's 2.1 series. From
this point onwards, the 2.1 series will be considered stable (as the 2.0
series) and only bugfixes are expected to be incorporated. The dozen or so
bugfixes in the 2.0.4 release are also included in this release (along
with more than 15 more bugfixes). Some of the interesting features are
support for per-file merge hooks, ``bzr unshelve --preview``, support
for using ! in ignore files to exclude files from being ignored, a small
memory leak was squashed, and many ``ObjectNotLocked`` errors were fixed.
This looks to be a very good start for a new stable series.

New Features

* Add bug information to log output when available.
  (Neil Martinsen-Burrell, Guillermo Gonzalez, #251729)

* Added ``merge_file_content`` hook point to ``Merger``, allowing plugins
  to register custom merge logic, e.g. to provide smarter merging for
  particular files.

* Bazaar now includes the ``news_merge`` plugin. It is disabled by
  default, to enable it add a ``news_merge_files`` option to your
  configuration. Consult ``bzr help news_merge`` for more information.
  (Andrew Bennetts)

* ``bzr branch`` now takes a ``--bind`` option. This lets you
  branch and bind all in one command. (Ian Clatworthy)

* ``bzr switch`` now takes a ``--revision`` option, to allow switching to
  a specific revision of a branch. (Daniel Watkins, #183559)

* ``bzr unshelve --preview`` can now be used to show how a patch on the
  shelf would be applied to the working tree.
  (Guilherme Salgado, #308122)

* ``bzr update`` now takes a ``--revision`` argument. This lets you
  change the revision of the working tree to any revision in the
  ancestry of the current or master branch. (Matthieu Moy, Mark Hammond,
  Martin Pool, #45719)

* ``-Dbytes`` can now be used to display the total number of bytes
  transferred for the current command. This information is always logged
  to ``.bzr.log`` for later inspection. (John Arbash Meinel)

* New ignore patterns. Patterns prefixed with '!' are exceptions to
  ignore patterns and take precedence over regular ignores. Such
  exceptions are used to specify files that should be versioned which
  would otherwise be ignored. Patterns prefixed with '!!' act as regular
  ignore patterns, but have highest precedence, even over the '!'
  exception patterns. (John Whitley, #428031)

* The ``supress_warnings`` configuration option has been introduced to disable
  various warnings (it currently only supports the ``format_deprecation``
  warning). The new option can be set in any of the following locations:
  ``bazaar.conf``, ``locations.conf`` and/or ``branch.conf``.
  (Ted Gould, Matthew Fuller, Vincent Ladeuil)

Bug Fixes

* Always show a message if an OS error occurs while trying to run a
  user-specified commit message editor.
  (Martin Pool, #504842)

* ``bzr diff`` will now use the epoch when it is unable to determine
  the timestamp of a file, if the revision it was introduced in is a
  ghost. (Jelmer Vernooij, #295611)

* ``bzr switch -b`` can now create branches that are located using directory
  services such as ``lp:``, even when the branch name doesn't contain a
  '/'. (Neil Martinsen-Burrell, #495263)

* ``bzr unshelve`` has improved messages about what it is doing.
  (Neil Martinsen-Burrell, #496917)

* Concurrent autopacking is more resilient to already-renamed pack files.
  If we find that a file we are about to obsolete is already obsoleted, we
  do not try to rename it, and we leave the file in ``obsolete_packs``.
  The code is also fault tolerant if a file goes missing, assuming that
  another process already removed the file.
  (John Arbash Meinel, Gareth White, #507557)

* Fix "Too many concurrent requests" in reconcile when network connection
  fails. (Andrew Bennetts, #503878)

* Fixed a side effect mutation of ``RemoteBzrDirFormat._network_name``
  that caused some tests to fail when run in a non-default order.
  Probably no user impact. (Martin Pool, #504102)

* Fixed ``ObjectNotLocked`` error in ``bzr cat -rbranch:../foo FILE``.
  (Andrew Bennetts, #506274)

* FTP transports support Unicode paths by encoding/decoding them as utf8.
  (Vincent Ladeuil, #472161)

* Listen to the SIGWINCH signal to update the terminal width.
  (Vincent Ladeuil, #316357)

* Progress bars are now hidden when ``--quiet`` is given.
  (Martin Pool, #320035)

* ``SilentUIFactory`` now supports ``make_output_stream`` and discards
  whatever is written to it. This un-breaks some plugin tests that
  depended on this behaviour.
  (Martin Pool, #499757)

* When operations update the working tree, all affected files should end
  up with the same mtime. (eg. when versioning a generated file, if you
  update the source and the generated file together, the generated file
  should appear up-to-date.)
  (John Arbash Meinel, Martin <gzlist>, #488724)


* Added ``add_cleanup`` and ``cleanup_now`` to ``bzrlib.command.Command``.
  All the builtin commands now use ``add_cleanup`` rather than
  ``try``/``finally`` blocks where applicable as it is simpler and more
  robust. (Andrew Bennetts)

* All except a small number of storage formats are now hidden, making
  the help for numerous commands far more digestible. (Ian Clatworthy)

* Attempts to open a shared repository as a branch (e.g. ``bzr branch
  path/to/repo``) will now include "location is a repository" as a hint in
  the error message. (Brian de Alwis, Andrew Bennetts, #440952)

* Push will now inform the user when they are trying to push to a foreign
  VCS for which roundtripping is not supported, and will suggest them to
  use dpush. (Jelmer Vernooij)

* The version of bzr being run is now written to the log file.
  (__monty__, #257170)

* Transport network activity indicator is shown more of the time when
  Bazaar is doing network IO.
  (Martin Pool)


* Add documentation on creating merges with more than one parent.
  (Neil Martinsen-Burrell, #481526)

* Better explain the --uncommitted option of merge.
  (Neil Martinsen-Burrell, #505088)

* Improve discussion of pending merges in the documentation for
  ``revert``. (Neil Martinsen-Burrell, #505093)

* Improved help for ``bzr send``.
  (Martin Pool, Bojan Nikolic)

* There is a System Administrator's Guide in ``doc/en/admin-guide``,
  including discussions of installation, relevant plugins, security and
  backup. (Neil Martinsen-Burrell)

* The ``conflicts`` help topic has been renamed to ``conflict-types``.
  (Ian Clatworthy)

* The User Reference is now presented as a series of topics.
  Many of the included topics have link and format tweaks applied.
  (Ian Clatworthy)

API Changes

* Added ``cachedproperty`` decorator to ``bzrlib.decorators``.
  (Andrew Bennetts)

* Many test features were renamed from ``FooFeature`` to ``foo_feature``
  to be consistent with instances being lower case and classes being
  CamelCase. For the features that were more likely to be used, we added a
  deprecation thunk, but not all. (John Arbash Meinel)

* Merger classes (such as ``Merge3Merger``) now expect a ``this_branch``
  parameter in their constructors, and provide ``this_branch`` as an
  attribute. (Andrew Bennetts)

* The Branch hooks pre_change_branch_tip no longer masks exceptions raised
  by plugins - the original exceptions are now preserved. (Robert Collins)

* The Transport ``Server.tearDown`` method is now renamed to
  ``stop_server`` and ``setUp`` to ``start_server`` for consistency with
  our normal naming pattern, and to avoid confusion with Python's
  ``TestCase.tearDown``. (Martin Pool)

* ``WorkingTree.update`` implementations must now accept a ``revision``


* Added ``BzrDir.open_branchV3`` smart server request, which can receive
  a string of details (such as "location is a repository") as part of a
  ``nobranch`` response. (Andrew Bennetts, #440952)

* New helper osutils.UnicodeOrBytesToBytesWriter which encodes unicode
  objects but passes str objects straight through. This is used for
  selftest but may be useful for diff and other operations that generate
  mixed output. (Robert Collins)

* New exception ``NoRoundtrippingSupport``, for use by foreign branch
  plugins. (Jelmer Vernooij)


* ``bzrlib.tests.permute_for_extension`` is a helper that simplifies
  running all tests in the current module, once against a pure python
  implementation, and once against an extension (pyrex/C) implementation.
  It can be used to dramatically simplify the implementation of
  ``load_tests``. (John Arbash Meinel)

* ``bzrlib.tests.TestCase`` now subclasses ``testtools.testcase.TestCase``.
  This permits features in testtools such as getUniqueInteger and
  getUniqueString to be used. Because of this, testtools version 0.9.2 or
  newer is now a dependency to run bzr selftest. Running with versions of
  testtools less than 0.9.2 will cause bzr to error while loading the test
  suite. (Robert Collins)

* Shell-like tests now support the command "mv" for moving files. The
  syntax for ``mv file1 file2``, ``mv dir1 dir2`` and ``mv file dir`` is
  supported. (Neil Martinsen-Burrell)

* The test progress bar no longer distinguishes tests that 'errored' from
  tests that 'failed' - they're all just failures.
  (Martin Pool)

0 blueprints and 37 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
507566 #507566 Overlapping autopacks can lead to unreachable revisions causing NoSuchRevision 2 Critical John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
45719 #45719 update command cannot take a revision number 3 High Martin Pool  10 Fix Released
295611 #295611 NoSuchRevision in diff when a ghost introduced the modified text. 3 High Jelmer Vernooij  10 Fix Released
488724 #488724 commands updating working tree should provide the same modification time for all modified files 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
491711 #491711 hook to permit per file merges 3 High Andrew Bennetts  10 Fix Released
494269 #494269 tree transform cannot change root id 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
495023 #495023 Interrupting commit can mark files as removed 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
499757 #499757 [2.1.0b4] plugin selftest problem: NotImplementedError: SilentUIFactory doesn't support make_output_stream 3 High Martin Pool  10 Fix Released
504102 #504102 test_format_initialize_find_open has some isolation problems 3 High Martin Pool  10 Fix Released
175839 #175839 `python bdist_rpm` fails 4 Medium Joe Julian  10 Fix Released
183559 #183559 bzr switch should have a -r option 4 Medium Andrew Bennetts  10 Fix Released
308122 #308122 No reliable way to show shelved changes 4 Medium Guilherme Salgado  10 Fix Released
320035 #320035 progress bar is shown regardless of the --quiet option 4 Medium Martin Pool  10 Fix Released
392435 #392435 show transport activity when there's no progress bar 4 Medium Martin Pool  10 Fix Released
428031 #428031 .bzrignore should support exclusions 4 Medium John Whitley  10 Fix Released
440952 #440952 be more helpful when attempting to branch a shared repo 4 Medium Andrew Bennetts  10 Fix Released
449372 #449372 segfault when unrevisioned files exist in working tree 4 Medium Martin Pool  10 Fix Released
472161 #472161 Can't upload non-ascii URLs 4 Medium Vincent Ladeuil  10 Fix Released
481526 #481526 'bzr merge -h' should explain how to octopus merge 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
495000 #495000 Autopack fails with NoSuchFile error when committing concurrently 4 Medium John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
495263 #495263 switch -b doesn't respect directory services 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
496917 #496917 `bzr unshelve --delete` should say that changes deleted 4 Medium Neil Martinsen-Burrell  10 Fix Released
498378 #498378 Lockdir disappeared after being renamed 4 Medium Martin Pool  10 Fix Released
503878 #503878 "Too many concurrent requests" error during reconcile 4 Medium Andrew Bennetts  10 Fix Released
503886 #503886 Server logging errors are hard to debug 4 Medium John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
504390 #504390 dirstate support for changing root id is broken 4 Medium John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
504842 #504842 commit: Error 123 while invoking editor 4 Medium Martin Pool  10 Fix Released
505093 #505093 [doc] inadequate documentation of "revert --forget-merges" 4 Medium Neil Martinsen-Burrell  10 Fix Released
505762 #505762 branches topic should explain bound branches 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
506274 #506274 bzr cat -r branch: ObjectNotLocked error 4 Medium Andrew Bennetts  10 Fix Released
257170 #257170 log does not record bzr version 5 Low   10 Fix Released
505088 #505088 [doc] insufficient documentation of "merge --uncommitted" 5 Low   10 Fix Released
507557 #507557 Overlapping autopacks can fail with NoSuchFile when obsoleting packs 5 Low John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
251729 #251729 It would be nice to have bugs informations in logs 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
316357 #316357 SIGWINCH support for progress bar 6 Wishlist Vincent Ladeuil  10 Fix Released
496590 #496590 bzrlib.errors.ObjectNotLocked annotating file from other branch 1 Undecided Andrew Bennetts  10 Fix Released
507828 #507828 Exception in thread smart-server-child when using -Dhpss in bzr 2.1.0b4 1 Undecided John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
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